
Literature Review

For one of my deliverables, I selected a variety of articles for comparison of the deployment of AR/VR in their fields and aim to boil these articles down to their basic information, with the aim of being able to present a brief history of AR/VR, its applications and explorations, as well as map the growing interest on a historical timeline. This will help us to contextualize our findings from AR/VR testing on a much broader scale, and possibly extrapolate where AR/VR might be headed.

When reading through the literature, I pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Who used what software to what ends, at what point, and why?

  • What was the platform they were using it on, what were the software and hardware specs (in as much as they are given), and why was this chosen?

  • What were their overall conclusions on the utility of the software/hardware combination? Would they have done things differently if they could have?