INitial sources to Check

A list of overview sources to study. Organize and add as you find more.

some links require login of vrluser and password of goredsox

David's google site on VR Resources, a prototype with a few examples of some of the kinds of material our final result should have.

David's notes while talking with Dan Keefe, these include a start at organizing places and software titles and should be integrated into the main pages.

Long wikipedia article on Virtual Reality, somewhat rambling. Some interesting lists at the end.

Very outdated and incomplete wikipedia article on Virtual Environment Software.

There are a plethora of virtual reality and augmented reality pages in wikipedia, some of which may have useful info. See if you can find and summarize.

CS123 AR/VR lectures (1, 2), links may go dead later in the semester. Brief overview of AR/VR history, technology, and rendering pipeline.