Second Half Deliverables Telephone

Ruiqi by Zach

  1. Hello world tutorial, googleVR

  2. googleVR software page (including performance numbers)

  3. XXX, YYY, ... tutorial (XXX, YYY, ... to be named (and numbered))

  4. Improving XXX, YYY, ... software page (including performance numbers)

Zach by Ruiqi

  1. cryEngine, software summary page, evaluate usefulness

  2. Lumberyard, execute existing tutorial and measure timing

  3. WorldVis create tutorial and data

  4. XXX create tutorial

Brandon by Charles

  1. Unity working in cave; how hard? How hard to go from VIVE unity tutorial output to display in cave?

  2. Unity class tutorial for VIVE (hello world or something simple),

  3. stats on class doing unity tutorial

Charles by Brandon

  1. Survey educators and administrators about AR/VR viability -> mini research poster

  2. Demo AR experience with ARcore, tutorial, software page

Linda by Kyle

  1. Survey of student climate re VR hw and sw

  2. Additions to comparisons: different hw headsets (VIVE, cardboard with steamVR apps)

  3. Additions to comparisons: different sw (unity, A-frame)

  4. Findings re sensitivity of comparison results to user background

Kyle by Linda

  1. A-frame software page

  2. Aframe tutorial and data from using them (run something in class?)

  3. Comparisons of Aframe with other things

  4. ARcore/ARkit additions to software page, maybe tutorials and data

Ankita by Duncan

  1. Workshop data analysis -> findings

    1. User categories

    2. sw and hw (some challenges how to represent)

  2. New RIVR workshop and data collection -> findings

  3. Conclusions from the findings

Duncan by Ankita

  1. Tutorial: take any unity app and get into VIVE -> VR dev software pages

  2. A new biggish unity app as an eval of unity -> software pages

  3. Tips for developing in VR

Amedeo by Jacob

  1. fieldView tutorial, experience using it, comparison to other things

  2. Vizard (aka WorldViz) (== Unity in Python for VR) -- software page

  3. Literature review of and interviews of VR training uses for different areas (law enforcement, sports, occupational training)

    1. What sw used

    2. How

    3. HW setups

Jacob by Amedeo

  1. Comparison of unity and minVR for cave/yurt. Ball-rolling game in both contexts. Adding to both software pages and comparisons pages.

Jen by Martin

  1. AR dev software page(s): ARkit, ARcore (which plugin to unity/unreal)

  2. AR/VR comparison page/section

  3. Possibly a tutorial to do in class -> data for comparing that process to other tools

Martin by Jen

  1. Lit review on VR in some different fields (not clear how to build into site)

  2. Comparison Unity vs Blender (hello/goodbye tutorial)

  3. WorldMachine tutorial and comparisons

  4. NetFab and MeshLab possible comparisons

Kevin by Sam

  1. Analyze 4 sci software tools: (omegalib, openspace, worldvr, vrworks)

    1. metrics:

    2. Simplicity

    3. Usage for data vis and analysis

    4. Own data

    5. Hw support

  2. Comparable tutorials for each sw package, if possible

Sam by Kevin

  1. Comparison of low-budget headsets (cardboard and similar)

    1. Shinecon

    2. Cardboard

    3. Other phone-based systems

  2. Xcode and CocoaPods VR application for these headsets to compare headsets

  3. Same thing in Unity for comparison

  4. Maybe try to run in class or with others in class

Cyrus by Elaine

  1. Hardware pages and comparisons for displays

  2. HW/SW Compatibility matrix

Elaine by Cyrus

  1. Decision factors for scientific VR software (VTK, Paraview, Visit, Amira, ensight)

  2. Education software out there, pages on those