Quest 3 Practice Tutorial
Requirements: an Oculus Quest 3 headset, a (possibly remote) computer running Windows 10
Estimated time: 1 hour
Estimated time without Google Earth download: 40 minutes
In the tutorial, you will get familiar with your Quest 3 headset, its controls, and the process of running SteamVR on your headset. Note that this tutorial assumed that you've already completed the Meta Quest 3 Setup Guide.
1. Running Google Earth VR
In this portion of the tutorial, you'll run Google Earth VR on your headset. Since Google Earth VR is a SteamVR game, you'll need to connect your headset to a Windows computer to run the application, which can be done using one of the methods outlined in the Quest 3 Setup Guide.
To download and launch Google Earth VR, perform the following steps:
On your Windows computer, login/create an account using Steam.
Download Google Earth VR on Steam.
Note: you're paperspace machine should already have Google Earth VR downloaded, so you can skip the step above.
Once downloaded, connect your headset to your Windows computer using either virtual desktop or Quest Link.
Then, click the menu button on your left controller to Launch SteamVR. If you receive an error message about a dll file, please click Ok.
You should now see an infinite black grid with mountains in the background. From here, click the menu button again and click on the Google Earth VR title and press launch.
While using Google Earth VR, complete the following objectives:
Follow the introductory Welcome tutorial to get used to the controls. Press the menu button and navigate to the tutorials tab to find it. the Y button and navigate to the Tutorials section to find it.
Visit at least three distinct landmarks (for a challenge by flying, otherwise use menu): the house and neighborhood you grew up in, a dorm / apartment / house you have lived in at Brown, and one place that's significant to you but not famous. Screen capture each landmark (preferably in street view) using the Quest screen capture feature and add the pictures to your journal, under a "Google Earth VR" header.
After visiting your penultimate landmark, screen record the journey from your current location to your last landmark (using vertical mode will help with navigation), and upload this video under the same header.
Feel free to play around, as well, after class when you have more time. Google Earth is one of the coolest VR apps (in David's humble opinion :-). By default, it limits how close you can get to the ground -- try turning that off, if you like. You can also try visiting David's own photospheres in Street View.
Common Issues:
If you take of your headset, Virtual Desktop may exit VR mode. To fix this, open the Virtual Desktop menu with the left controller menu button, and click Launch SteamVR.
3. Running Google Earth Web
Here, you'll do a similar activity, but in your browser instead of VR. Afterwards you'll fill out a form comparing your experience in each.
On Google Chrome on your personal computer, open Google Earth Web.
While using Google Earth Web, complete the following objectives:
Visit the same landmarks in 3D that you visited in VR, navigating to each one with your mouse or trackpad. Take a screenshot of each (preferably in street view) and add those pictures to your journal, under a "Google Earth Web" header.
After visiting your penultimate landmark, screen record the journey from your current location to your last landmark, and upload this video under the same header.
Once you're done, complete this form that compares your VR experience to Web.