A-Frame VR Controller Support (Quest2) Tutorial

A-Frame has native support for VR controller: https://aframe.io/docs/1.4.0/introduction/interactions-and-controllers.html

However, native support does not give you customization ability. Oculus Quest2 Controller also reported not working with the default controller component; to customize support for Oculus Quest2, here is a script I made based on https://github.com/gftruj/webzamples/tree/master/aframe ; this script will give you support to move around VR scene with thumbstick and head direction:

AFRAME.registerComponent('oculus-thumbstick-controls', {

   schema: {

       acceleration: { default: 45 },

       rigSelector: {default: "#rig"},

       fly: { default: false },

       controllerOriented: { default: false },

       adAxis: {default: 'x', oneOf: ['x', 'y', 'z']},

       wsAxis: {default: 'z', oneOf: ['x', 'y', 'z']},

       enabled: {default: true},

       adEnabled: {default: true},

       adInverted: {default: false},

       wsEnabled: {default: true},

       wsInverted: {default: false}


   init: function () {

       this.easing = 1.1;

       this.velocity = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0);

       this.tsData = new THREE.Vector2(0, 0);

       this.thumbstickMoved = this.thumbstickMoved.bind(this)

       this.el.addEventListener('thumbstickmoved', this.thumbstickMoved);


   update: function() {

       this.rigElement = document.querySelector(this.data.rigSelector)


   tick: function (time, delta) {

       if (!this.el.sceneEl.is('vr-mode')) return;

       var data = this.data;

       var el = this.rigElement

       var velocity = this.velocity;

       //console.log("here", this.tsData, this.tsData.length())

       if (!velocity[data.adAxis] && !velocity[data.wsAxis] && !this.tsData.length()) { return; }

       // Update velocity.

       delta = delta / 1000;


       if (!velocity[data.adAxis] && !velocity[data.wsAxis]) { return; }

       // Get movement vector and translate position.



   updateVelocity: function (delta) {

       var acceleration;

       var adAxis;

       var adSign;

       var data = this.data;

       var velocity = this.velocity;

       var wsAxis;

       var wsSign;

       const CLAMP_VELOCITY = 0.00001;

       adAxis = data.adAxis;

       wsAxis = data.wsAxis;

       // If FPS too low, reset velocity.

       if (delta > 0.2) {

           velocity[adAxis] = 0;

           velocity[wsAxis] = 0;



       // https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/151383/frame-rate-independant-movement-with-acceleration

       var scaledEasing = Math.pow(1 / this.easing, delta * 60);

       // Velocity Easing.

       if (velocity[adAxis] !== 0) {

           velocity[adAxis] = velocity[adAxis] * scaledEasing;


       if (velocity[wsAxis] !== 0) {

           velocity[wsAxis] = velocity[wsAxis] * scaledEasing;


       // Clamp velocity easing.

       if (Math.abs(velocity[adAxis]) < CLAMP_VELOCITY) { velocity[adAxis] = 0; }

       if (Math.abs(velocity[wsAxis]) < CLAMP_VELOCITY) { velocity[wsAxis] = 0; }

       if (!data.enabled) { return; }

       // Update velocity using keys pressed.

       acceleration = data.acceleration;

       if (data.adEnabled && this.tsData.x) {

           adSign = data.adInverted ? -1 : 1;

           velocity[adAxis] += adSign * acceleration * this.tsData.x * delta;


       if (data.wsEnabled) {

           wsSign = data.wsInverted ? -1 : 1;

           velocity[wsAxis] += wsSign * acceleration * this.tsData.y * delta;



   getMovementVector: (function () {

       var directionVector = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0);

       var rotationEuler = new THREE.Euler(0, 0, 0, 'YXZ');

       return function (delta) {

           var rotation = this.el.sceneEl.camera.el.object3D.rotation

           var velocity = this.velocity;

           var xRotation;



           // Absolute.

           if (!rotation) { return directionVector; }

           xRotation = this.data.fly ? rotation.x : 0;

           // Transform direction relative to heading.

           rotationEuler.set(xRotation, rotation.y, 0);


           return directionVector;



   thumbstickMoved: function (evt) {

       this.tsData.set(evt.detail.x, evt.detail.y);


   remove: function () {

       this.el.removeEventListener('thumbstickmoved', this.thumbstickMoved);


Basic usage

<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.3.0/aframe.min.js"></script>

<script src="https://gftruj.github.io/webzamples/aframe/controls/oculus-thumbstick-controls.js"></script>


    <!-- Camera + controllers rig -->

    <a-entity id="rig">

        <a-camera position="0 1.6 0"></a-camera>

        <a-entity oculus-touch-controls="hand: left" ></a-entity>

        <a-entity oculus-touch-controls="hand: right" oculus-thumbstick-controls></a-entity>


