By Liza Kolev (Spring 2023)
syGlass is a scientific visualization VR tool launched by NIH Innovation Grant. It was initially designed for West Virginia's neursocience researchers, overcoming a major problem they faced: complex and large datasets viewing neurons and their connections across scales of resolution.
The recommended PC attributes are as follows:
OS: Windows 10
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 or better
RAM: 32 GB or more
In terms of head set compatibility, any VR headset that connects to your PC should work (like HTC Vive, Oculus Quest, or Windows Mixed Reality Headsets). Check the site for updates on these compatibility requirements.
You can download the free version called syGlass View either from the site or from the Steam store.
Important Info
You can view your data in syGlass either on desktop or in VR.
syGlass has tutorials inside the program that can be run directly in VR.
The viewing box of the data is a rectangular prism, so it might be necessary to resize your data in order to view it entirely in the software. However, this may be a setting you can change, it just hasn't been found yet.
Accessibility: The estimated time for someone to setup and start visualizing data in syGlass View -- 5 min max once gone through the tutorial
Usage: Evaluation of software's use for the following purposes
Scientific visualization - main use for syGlass
syGlass Guide, the official user's manual and reference guide
syGlass Tutorials
User Support
Final Thoughts
SyGlass, 2023