How to render 3-D coordinate data from CSV to Model mask
By Sayan Chakraborty
Installation of Paraview on your machine -- make sure you can run volume data example from in-class paraview activity before class
A data set (We will be finding this in class, but feel free to peruse our data types and examples for ideas)
Displaying 3-D points from CSV
First, open the any CSV file with 3D coordinates on them [X,Y,Z] with ParaView. You can also Drag and Drop them.
Now, click the box next to Add Tab Field Delimeter, if the data is seperated by a tab, followed by the commas for the x y and z axes. You then want to go to the top, click Filters-Alphabetical->Table To Points and click apply. This will make the table into points on the screen.
In the Properties section, it should give you an option of where to find the x,y, and z data fields. Here, click the corresponding data fields for the corresponding dimensions (x for x, y for y, etc).
Click on the Eyes icon next to the TableToPoints filter to make them appear on the vtk model.
Now, in the Properties section, make the points be size 5, and visualize them as spheres. You can now see much larger points