VRWorks Audio Tutorial


Warning! This setup will take a long time (~30 min) and is on a slightly older version of Unreal Engine (4.15).

VRWorks Audio Setup

First visit the Unreal Site and follow these instructions to link your Github account with your Unreal Account.

Once you have done so, this Github branch with VRWorks Audio built-in should be visible.

Then, proceed to download the zip of this branch and extract it. Then navigate to the extracted folder.

VRWorks Audio Setup

First visit the Unreal Site and follow these instructions to link your Github account with your Unreal Account.

Once you have done so, this Github branch with VRWorks Audio built-in should be visible.

Then, proceed to download the zip of this branch and extract it. Then navigate to the extracted folder. Next, follow the following README instructions from the download:




Using VRWorks Audio

Now that the long setup is complete, VRWorks Audio is ready to use! Since this is a merged branch, everything for spatial audio effectively works out of the box.

Open up the example scene in VRWorksAudio_SampleProject called VRAudioSmokeTest.uproject

Go ahead and run the example! You may also want to go through the Unreal tooltip tutorial if you are on a fresh install and are a new user.

All you have to do to put spatial audio in your environment is put a sound source with Spatialize checked. 

If you are new to Unreal, try and pick apart the demo scene to see what happens!

Loudon Cohen