Immersion Analytics Installation and Setup

Created By: Amanda Levy May 2022

  1. Make sure you have SideQuest downloaded on your personal computer

  2. Create a free Insider Access Program account at this link

  3. Go to "Support" --> "Downloads" --> the corresponding Visualizer file for your Desktop computer or VR device

The following directions are for viewing a Desktop-created Visualizer file on an Oculus Quest 2 ...

  1. Launch SideQuest, click "Install APK file from folder on computer" and load the downloaded Visualizer-2021.2.6b1-oculus.apk file onto the Oculus Quest 2.

  2. On the Oculus Quest 2, go to the App Library. In the upper-right corner, click the dropdown and select "Unknown Sources". Open Visualizer.

  3. If you also initially downloaded the Desktop Visualizer and created .viz files to view on the Oculus Quest 2, then make sure you have saved the .viz files on the desktop under "Experiences" --> "Save As" and choose the option to upload the experiences to Google Drive. On your computer, download the .viz files from Google Drive.

  4. If you have a Mac as your personal computer, download Android File Transfer ( If you have a PC, then you can find the file path directly and do not need this step. Before going down any file paths, make sure you have opened Visualizer on your Oculus Quest at least once.

  5. Connect the Occulus Quest 2 to your personal computer via the USB cord.

  6. If you have a personal Mac computer, then on Android File Transfer, navigate to "Android" --> "com.ImmersionAnalytics.Visualizer" --> "Files" --> drag from Finder the .viz files you downloaded and drop them in the "Files" folder. If you have a PC, then follow this file path "This PC\Quest 2\Internal sharedstorage\Android\data\com.ImmersionAnalytics.Visualizer\files\" and drop the .viz files in this folder.

  7. On your Oculus Quest, open Visualizer. Click on "Experiences" --> "Open" --> click on a .viz file that you transferred from your computer.