Collaborative Workspaces
Created by Dave Song, Spring 2023
About this page
VR systems not only allow us to visualize complex scientific data in 3D virtual space but also enable us to collaborate with others in shared virtual space, breaking physical barriers. With hybrid and remote work options still available for many companies, VR collaboration seems to have more potential than ever to be utilized by organizations pursuing distributed teams or remote workflows. However, the current state of VR devices and apps certainly can’t fully replace the collaborative experience in real life or in 2D(through Zoom or Google Workspace). This is due to the lack of highly expressive avatars, social presence support, advanced motion tracking, and other features that naturally occur during in-person collaborations. While technological barriers of the hardware are out of the scope(for the purpose of the course), it is important to have a place where information, evaluation, and exploration of the VR collaborative systems can accumulate over time.
At the core of this wiki series is the exploration and evaluation of the VR collaboration experience. Initial work for the series mostly focuses on the evaluation of VR systems and software — developing a standard evaluation tool for VR collaboration. However, this page is intended to explore and evaluate anything related to collaboration in VR, and it will grow as we, as a class, learn more about collaboration in VR and technologies that support better VR collaboration experiences.
Image Source:
Collaborative VR Systems and Workspaces (Last Updated: Spring 2023)
Collaborative VR Apps Comparison Matrix
Evaluating Collaboration in VR