
Laila Gamaleldin, March 2021


Normcore is a Unity plug-in that makes projects multiplayer. Normcore works on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.  Normcore is built by Normal, a virtual reality company. Whereas most multiplayer Unity solutions use RPC to synchronize states across players, Normcore uses a type of database called a datastore. The datastore saves all of the information about the state and shares it with each of the players. One large pro of Normcore is that unlike other plug-ins, it's built with VR/AR specifically in mind. 


Normcore is relatively new so it doesn't have the same cult following that some other plug-ins do. They do however have a pretty substantial Discord server.


Normcore documentation can be found here. Due to its novelty, not many documentation resources exist outside of Normcore's website.  

Some other helpful tutorials:




This information was largely gathered from the Normcore website, so it may not be the most objective.

Review (Jennifer Wang, May 2022)

Advantages of Normcore:

Disadvantages of Normcore