Basics of Slicer
By Shashidhar Pai
This module assumes you have already installed and set up Slicer. Slicer3D contains more than 100 modules for image segmentation, registration, and 3D visualization of medical imaging data.
Most radiological imaging equipment produces images in DICOM file format. In this tutorial, we will explore the MR scan of the brain with a tumor.
The data is sourced from the University of Pennsylvania from their Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge 2020.
Load Data
Click on Load Data in the Slicer 'Welcome module'
Click on Choose File(s) to Add.
Browse to the location of the Visualization directory and select the file MR-head.nrrd
Click on OK to load the MR dataset into Slicer
The axial, sagittal and coronal views appear in the 2D viewers.
Click on the links icon(in each view) to link all three viewers, and on the eye icon to display the slices in the 3D Viewer.
The three anatomical slices appear in the 3DViewer
Use the left mouse button to rotate the camera, and the right-mouse button to zoom in and out
3D Volume Rendering
The Volume Rendering Module can be used to render the MR data into 3D models
Click on the eye icon next to Volume to render the volume
Set the preset to MR-Default. Different presets can be used to segment and highlight different density responses in the MR data, like bone, muscle, liquid, and voids.
Click on Enable crop and eye icon next to display ROI(Region of Interest) to view different cross-sections of the model.
Saving a Scene
Select File, Save from the main menu
The Save Scene and Unsaved Data lists all the elements of the Slicer Scene
Rename the scene myNewScene.mrml and click on OK
Click on Enable crop and eye icon next to display ROI(Region of Interest) to view different cross-sections of the model.
Visualising other datasets:
Slicer VR
From the extension manager find and install slicerVR
Connect Headset to paper space machine via virtual desktop app and connect to steam VR
Open the virtual reality module, set the render definitions and controlled operations and click on the VR head set Icon to view the datasets in VR
All operation performed on the desktop, reflect in VR and vice versa