What is VR?
What is VR?
Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR) developed over the last decades, through many applications in a variety of fields from the humanities to the military. Boundaries between these technologies often blur, as do their user types, software packages available for content creation, and hardware types for immersion. In spring 2018, 16 Brown students under guidance of Professor David Laidlaw explored the various applications of AR, VR, and MR, specifically focusing on questions of who uses what and why. The specific aim was to investigate accessibility to digital realities, in terms of production and dissemination, as well as understand and delineate taxonomies of software, hardware, and user-types, and provide a coherent overview with brief low-level tutorials for a range of software packages. In what follows, we outline the history of AR, VR, and MR, based on a literature sample study taken from the following seven fields:
Martin Uildriks, edits by Lucia Tian
Review Papers and Papers in Top VR Conference
Review Papers:
<A systematic review of immersive virtual reality applications for higher education: Design elements, lessons learned, and research agenda>
Best Conference Papers 2022:
<The Chaotic Behavior of Redirection - Revisiting Simulations in Redirected Walking>
Potential Application: Real walking for exploring large virtual environments