Course Timeline and Homework
Course schedule, in and out of class. Subject to change, particularly further in the future. If you have any ideas for a future class, please add them here!
Timeline Summary
Week 1: Course introduction and project 1 planning
Weeks 2-3: Plan and start project 1
Weeks 4-8: Project 1; journal reviews; project status presentations; project tutorials; project 2 planning
Weeks 9-13: Project 2; project status presentations; journal review, project tutorials and activities
Week 14: Final presentations
Week 1
Class Thursday 1/21:
Class motivation, goals, structure, syllabus, wiki
Introduce everyone
Give a breakdown of the wiki
What was done last year
What is expected this year
Where to find everything
Project-oriented structure for class
How to evaluate a piece of software -- a brief explanation
Start planning projects
HW for 1/26:
(You must complete the assignments in bold; if you have time, attempt some of the other activities)
Fill out course survey by this Friday (Jan 22) @ 6:00AM!
Set up your journal page and link it into top-level journal page
Join the course slack channel
Complete the Quest 2 Setup Guide
Log 4-5 hours of homework time in your journal
Add or refine at least one thing in wiki (aside from journal, e.g. software, paper review, etc.)
Review the course home page
Read some background papers
Read some of last year's wiki
Research a piece of collaborative VR software -- this could be a game, a framework, or anything else related to collaborative VR
Research data types, data examples, and software tools
Do things from Course Activities page
Log time and any issues in your journal
Ponder project ideas (always!)
Week 2
Class 1/26:
Introduce project guidelines (i.e. explain milestones, in class activities, and deliverables)
HW for 1/28:
Continue with activities from previous homework
Pick 2-5 potential pieces of software to explore and evaluate for your research project
Using this software, create 3-5 potential project ideas in your journal. Be prepared to share concisely (one sentence each) in class. We will ponder their levels of: 1) collaboration, 2) VR, 3) scientific visualization.
Class 1/28:
Project ideas discussion
HW for 2/02:
Review wiki / web to solidify your 3-5 project ideas
For each project idea:
list three things you will do during the project
list one class activity we might do for the project
list potential deliverables:
Deliverables are what future readers of the wiki will look at and learn from. Examples might be comparative prose about different software packages, a Consumer-Reports style table of evaluations of features and quality of different software, tutorials showing how to use software for data visualization purposes, measurements of how long it takes and how difficult it is for a group to do a tutorial, etc. A good way to make sure you have a deliverable is to say explicitly where it will go in the wiki.
If you are confused or have any questions, feel free to post on the slack or email the TAs
Brainstorm software evaluation metrics
Continue adding potential software / data to the wiki
Week 3
Class 2/02:
First half of class:
40 minutes: DinoVR Tutorial, take 2
Second half of class:
15 minutes: Pair up and review project titles, and activities. Working together, add deliverables to each potential project. Ask questions if you are not sure what to do. Each student should pick their first-choice project.
identify what you need to learn and do before this first project begins so that you can design it to be successful. The projects will start next week, so you have only one more week for this pre-project work. Check out what we will do on 2/4 to help guide this.
25 minutes: go around room and explain the project that you most want to do, including what we might do in class for it, what wiki deliverables you will produce, and what you need to do before the project. This will be done for each student via a max 1-minute individual oral-only presentation (no slides) followed by slightly longer discussion. I recommend speaking from notes, and I also recommend putting them in the shared class gdoc file at
document your potential pre-project activities in the wiki before leaving class
HW for 2/04:
Select one project from your list of potential projects and create a plan for your project. This project plan should have milestones to be delivered on 2/9, 2/11, 2/18 (2/16 is a holiday), 2/23, 2/25, 3/2, and 3/4. The project plan should include activities that span from February to the middle of March
Continue reading, doing, and logging with any extra time
Class 2/04:
30 minutes: Pair up with someone you haven’t paired up with before and jointly evaluate your pre-project plans. Evaluations should consider:
Will the project deliverables be useful and significant?
Will the project activities improve the potential quality of the project?
Will the project activities help identify and reduce project risks? Risks often involve external dependencies that end up not being met or over-optimistic estimates of time required.
Will the project activities themselves add deliverables to the wiki?
Go over any questions from above, beginning with project concepts, deliverables, and activities described very briefly.
Look ahead to the Project Evaluation criteria below.
40 minutes: Each person should present to the class a 2-minute evaluation of another project. Essentially, it should discuss the answers to the questions discussed, both positive and negative with the goal of getting additional confidence about the evaluation and any additional suggestions.
HW for 2/09:
Write your revised final project plan in your journal
Evaluate your project plan using the following rubric:
o Note that these first project should have milestones for 2/11, 2/18, 2/23, 2/25, 3/2, 3/4. Second-half projects will begin on 3/16 and go through the end of the semester. Here is an evaluation rubric for projects:
Project Evaluation
Below are a set of questions that should help in evaluating project ideas. Answer each with one of:
strongly disagree
neither agree nor disagree
strongly agree
The questions are:
o The proposed project clearly identifies deliverable additions to our VR Software Wiki
o The proposed project involves collaboration in VR
o The proposed project involves large scientific data visualization along the lines of the "Data Types" wiki page:
and identifies the specific data type and software that it will use
o The proposed project has a realistic schedule with explicit and measurable milestones at least each week and mostly every class
o The proposed project includes an in-class activity
o The proposed project has resources available with sufficient documentation
Prepare 3 minute project descriptions with powerpoint (must be a .pptx or .ppt file) slides sent to David AT LEAST 24 hours ahead title, brief motivation, in-class activity, wiki contributions/deliverables, schedule/milestones.
Week 4
Class 2/09:
Project presentations -- three minutes each (plus likely substantial discussion and questions). Include results from your first milestone!
These may fill entire class
Finally, you can have some slides!
Primary thing to show is concrete schedule, including things you'll be evaluating/trying, n-class parts, and wiki parts you'll be adding.
10:33 Paul
10:40 Melis
10:47 Alejandro
10:54 Shenandoah
11:01 Michael
11:08 Rachel
11:15 Ethan
11:22 Laila
11:29 George
11:36 Hiloni
11:43 Kota
HW for 2/11:
Meet first milestone of project
Work on project and log hours in journal
Add to the wiki
Install Paraview and Ben's Volumer Renderer on your Paperspace machine according to these instructions.
Class 2/11:
Discuss potential in-class activities
Week 5
Class 2/16 (University Recess - No Class)
HW for 2/18:
Continue work on project and contributions to the wiki
Send pptx with at least one image/video (not of text...) showing progress on your project. Also include your list of milestones and where you are with each one.
Prepare journal for in-class review. Journals will be evaluated according to the following rubric:
Activities logging rubric -- fill in in your journal
Activities logging rubric
key for each criterion:
5 == exceeds expectations
4 == meets expectations
3 == mostly solid with some gaps
2 == shows some progress
1 == some attempt
0 == not found
Journal activities are explicitly and clearly related to course deliverables
deliverables are described and attributed in wiki
report states total amount of time
total time is appropriate
Using the above rubric, evaluate your journal and include your self-evaluation in your journal
If you would like to get a head start on the class activity for 2/18, do the setup section of the tutorial here.
Class 2/18:
Project progress reports
Kota's Virtualitics Tutorial (Link HERE)
Quick Peer journal review
HW for 2/23:
Continue work on projects
prep for Paul's, Michael's, and Alejandro's tutorials]
make sure headset is charged!
Mozilla Hubs runs in browser, so no explicit setup is necessary! You can try to run it according to the tutorial page below if you want to get a head start.
Install Spatial for Paul's tutorial.
Week 6
Class 2/23:
Paul's, Michael's, and Alejandro's Tutorials
HW for 2/25:
Prep for Shenandoah's tutorial
Please finish the steps in Setup (before class) here for the Class Activity on Thursday.
If you already have an account for Spatial from Paul's activity, make sure you also have your avatar set.
Send slides (.pptx) for project updates to David in private slack channel -- schedule status and visual candy
Class 2/25:
Project progress reports
HW for 3/02:
Prep for George's tutorial and Melis's tutorial
Week 7
Class 3/02:
HW for 3/04:
Prep for Laila's tutorial and Hiloni's tutorial
Class 3/04:
Laila's tutorial and Hiloni's tutorial
HW for 3/09:
Finish first project
Prepare presentation for first project for Tuesday or Thursday
Target 5-10 minutes for presentations, more time if you have more to say!
Elements of a good presentation (thanks Ross!)
Your contributions to the wiki
Some contributions will report on easily accessible information
Some should include more active evaluation and analysis of collaboration, science, and VR
Contributions that compare software are particularly interesting
Your deliverables + photos & videos (please include some media!)
If you think something is worth presenting, it should probably be in the wiki!
Any takeaways + challenges;
Maybe some thoughts about how your path deviated from its original course
Anything you've learned
Your ideas for second projects
PPTX to David in personal slack channel by 10pm Monday
Week 8
Class 3/09
First project presentations, likely spilling into next class, too. But be prepared to present today!
Presentation order: Laila, Melis, Michael, Paul, Rachel, Shenandoah, Alejandro, Ethan, George, Hiloni, Kota
Guest Adam Blumenthal, VR Professor (won't make it, but will review slides)
HW 3/11
Be prepared to discuss second-project ideas you are considering -- slides/visuals could be appropriate
Consider more concrete and quantifiable evaluation
Class 3/11
Finish project presentations
Discuss second project
Review results from presentations as models for second project
HW for 3/16
Draft of project 2 plan in journal for others to review
Consider the levels in Bloom's Taxonomy below as you deepen understanding of the knowledge you have put into the wiki and planning to put in the wiki. This is often used to capture learning in education, but it makes sense in any context involving learning about new things.
Week 9
Class 3/16
Continue discussion second project plans and get feedback on them
Experimental or UX evaluation
Bloom's Taxonomy
Sketch some imaginary results
HW for 3/18
Review project 2 plan for the three people following you in the journal index page
Use same project rubric as for first project
Put your feedback just below the plan
Fill in class activity in the wiki timeline for the class time you would like
Prepare 3 minute project descriptions with powerpoint (must be a .pptx or .ppt file) slides sent to David AT LEAST 24 hours ahead title, brief motivation, contributions/deliverables, schedule/milestones progress on first milestone
Class 3/18
Project 2 plan presentations
In-class activities signup
HW for 3/23
Work on second project
Prepare journal for peer review
Week 10
Class 3/23
Discuss "Seven Scenarios"
Evaluating in-class activities, survey questions, and reporting results
HW for 3/25
CavePainting Prep
Send slides to David for progress report
Class 3/25
Project Progress Reports (20 minutes)
Ross - CavePainting tutorial (30 minutes)
HW for 3/30
Prep for Paul's in-class activity and Rachel's in-class activity
Week 11
Class 3/30
Rachel - Alcove Activity (~30 mins)
HW for 4/01
Prep for Alejandro's, Hiloni's, and Kota's in-class activity
Class 4/01
Alejandro- Test out demo with multiple users (tentative) (~30min)
Hiloni- Test Visualisation Software (30 minutes)
Kota - Wiki article review (20 minutes)
HW for 4/06
Prep for Michael's, Melis's, and Laila's in-class activity
Send slides to David for progress report
Week 12
Class 4/06
Project Progress Reports (20 minutes)
In-class activities
Michael -- Project testing (20-30 minutes)
Laila -- GeoGebra3D activity (30 minutes)
HW for 4/08
Prep for George's, Shenandoah's, and Rachel's in-class activity
Class 4/08
George - my concept demo in Engaged (~30 mins)
Shenandoah - Visualizations in Sketchup/IrisVR (~30mins)
Discuss final presentations
HW for 4/13
Work on final presentations
Prep for Rachel and Melis activities
Week 13
Class 4/13 (Reading Period), Final in-class Presentations
Rachel - AltSpace VR Activity
Melis activity/demo (20-30 mins) in-class Presentations
Shenandoah (own slides)
Class 4/15 (Reading Period), Final in-class Presentations, Course Wrapup
Week 14
4/22 11am-noon Final Public Presentations