Course Timeline and Homework

Course schedule, in and out of class.  Subject to change, particularly further in the future. If you have any ideas for a future class, please add them here!

Timeline Summary

Week 1: Course introduction and project 1 planning 

Weeks 2-3: Plan and start project 1

Weeks 4-8: Project 1; journal reviews; project status presentations; project tutorials; project 2 planning

Weeks 9-13: Project 2; project status presentations; journal review, project tutorials and activities

Week 14: Final presentations 

Week 1 

Class Thursday 1/21:

HW for 1/26:

(You must complete the assignments in bold; if you have time, attempt some of the other activities)

Week 2

Class 1/26:

HW for 1/28:

Class 1/28:

HW for 2/02:

Deliverables are what future readers of the wiki will look at and learn from. Examples might be comparative prose about different software packages, a Consumer-Reports style table of evaluations of features and quality of different software, tutorials showing how to use software for data visualization purposes, measurements of how long it takes and how difficult it is for a group to do a tutorial, etc.  A good way to make sure you have a deliverable is to say explicitly where it will go in the wiki.

Week 3

Class 2/02:

First half of class:

Second half of class:

HW for 2/04: 

Class 2/04:

HW for 2/09:

o  Note that these first project should have milestones for 2/11, 2/18, 2/23, 2/25, 3/2, 3/4. Second-half projects will begin on 3/16 and go through the end of the semester. Here is an evaluation rubric for projects:

Below are a set of questions that should help in evaluating project ideas. Answer each with one of:

The questions are:

o The proposed project clearly identifies deliverable additions to our VR Software Wiki

o The proposed project involves collaboration in VR

o The proposed project involves large scientific data visualization along the lines of the "Data Types" wiki page:

 and identifies the specific data type and software that it will use

o The proposed project has a realistic schedule with explicit and measurable milestones at least each week and mostly every class

o The proposed project includes an in-class activity

o The proposed project has resources available with sufficient documentation

Week 4

Class 2/09:

HW for 2/11:

Class 2/11:

Week 5

Class 2/16 (University Recess - No Class)

HW for 2/18:

Activities logging rubric -- fill in in your journal

Activities logging rubric

key for each criterion:

5 == exceeds expectations

4 == meets expectations

3 == mostly solid with some gaps

2 == shows some progress

1 == some attempt

0 == not found


Journal activities are explicitly and clearly related to course deliverables

deliverables are described and attributed in wiki

report states total amount of time

total time is appropriate

Class 2/18:

HW for 2/23:

Week 6

Class 2/23:

HW for 2/25:

Class 2/25:

HW for 3/02:

Week 7

Class 3/02:

HW for 3/04:

Class 3/04:

HW for 3/09:

Week 8

Class 3/09

HW 3/11

Class 3/11

HW for 3/16 

Week 9

Class 3/16 

HW for 3/18

Class 3/18 

HW for 3/23 

Week 10

Class 3/23

HW for 3/25 

Class 3/25

HW for 3/30

Week 11

Class 3/30 

HW for 4/01

Class 4/01

HW for 4/06

Week 12

Class 4/06

HW for 4/08

Class 4/08

HW for 4/13

Week 13

Class 4/13 (Reading Period), Final in-class Presentations

Class 4/15 (Reading Period), Final in-class Presentations, Course Wrapup