
In this course, you will maintain a journal that chronicles your progress throughout the course. Your journal should include the hours you've worked, descriptions of progress / setbacks, and any other information you'd like to share! 

Note that your journal will be worth a significant portion of your grade, so make sure to keep it updated.

Insert a link to your journal on this page (we included 2 examples from previous years). Include contact information and relevant background. Additionally, here are the journals from last year's class. To set up your own journal, follow these instructions.

Journal Template,, description of your interests and experience. 

David Laidlaw,, built Yurt, knows some VR software really well, CS224 and prereqs, math, sw engineering, particularly interested in creating visualization tools that can be used to advance scientific knowledge in other disciplines.

Melvin He, (example from S23), experience with Computer Vision, general software engineering topics, applications of AR in healthcare and gamified learning platforms

Colby Rees,, experience with Human-Computer Interaction, interested in VR within healthcare, architecture, data visualization, and daily integration into lifestyles

Connor Flick,, research experience with HCI and AR, UI/UX coursework, interested in new modalities in VR/AR and  approaches to media and embodiment

Sofia Vaca Narvaja,, experience with human centered design, cognitive science and computational neuroscience research, interested in VR/AR applications within those areas of research as well as integration into daily life enhancing wellbeing.

Aarav Kumar,, experience with AR filter prototyping, UI/UX design work, interested in data visualization and researching creative ways to use AR/VR for productivity tasks

Vishaka Nirmal,, background in human-computer interaction and UX, with some experience in programming/AR/3D, and interested in developing intuitive interactions in virtual space  

Feiyue Zhang,, experience with software engineering, computer graphics, WebXR, and Unity.

José Guallpa, experience through Computer Vision!! interested a lot in robotics and the AR/VR realm. Excited to explore at least one of them this semester. 

Eunjin Hong,, background in Visual Communication Design, UX/UI design with some experience in 3D modeling and animation.

Papa-Yaw Afari, background in API-based designs and data structures and algorithms based coding and I dabble in art.