Course Activities and Schedule

Course schedule, in and out of class.  Subject to change, particularly further in the future.

Week 1


Class 1/24

HW for 1/29:

o Review course home page and subpages

o Set up your journal page and link to top-level journal page

o Log 4-5 hours of homework time in your journal page

o Read some bg papers (e.g., toolsmith, what’s real about VR)

o Read some of last year’s wiki

o Surf for info on data types, data examples, and software tools

o Add at least one new thing to wiki (beyond journal)

          E.g., software, or datatype

o Install paraview on your computer and bring to class

          Installation is step 1 from the tutorial (further instructions linked to there)

          If you want to do more, that’s also fine, but we’ll do some in class.

o Do things from "Activities" page

o Log your time and any issues in your journal

o Ponder project ideas (always!)

Always message on slack if you have any questions!

Week 2

Class 1/29

o   go around room and have each person say what they found and added to wiki

o   Paraview tutorial with Amber leading

HW for 1/31:  

o  Dig deeper into different data types relating to vr data vis

Look at doc for vis SW and what it can read in

Vis SW that does *not* do VR could help here, as well, in finding data types.

o  Continue with activities from 1/29 homework

o  Review project guidelines

o  Create 3-5 potential project titles in your journal 

Class 1/31

o   Trip to YURT and VR Lab - demo of supernova, moon, dinosaur footprint, paraview, et al

o   Depending on class size, we'll split into 2 or more groups

HW for 2/5:  

o  Review web, wiki, and other resources to refine and solidify your ideas for 3 of the project titles you created.  You can completely replace a project, if you wish. 

o  For each project, list three things you will do during the project

o  For each project, list one class activity we might do for the project

Week 3

Class 2/5

Deliverables are what future readers of the wiki will look at and learn from.  Examples might be comparative prose about different software packages, a Consumer-Reports style table of evaluations of features and quality of different software, tutorials showing how to use software for data visualization purposes, measurements of how long it takes and how difficult it is for a group to do a tutorial, etc.  In general most of our deliverables should end up in section 4 of the public wiki.  A good way to make sure you have a deliverable is to say explicitly where it will go in the wiki.

o  pair up and review project titles, and activities.  Working together, add deliverables to each potential project.  Ask questions if you are not sure what to do.

o  identify what you need to learn and do before this first project begins so that you can design it to be successful. The projects will start the last week of February, so you have about two weeks for this pre-project work.  Check out what we will do on 2/7 to help guide this.

o  go around room and explain the project that you most want to do, including what we might do in class for it and what you need to do before the project.

o  document your potential pre-project activities in the wiki before leaving class

HW for 2/7:  

o  Create a draft plan for your pre-project.  This pre-project plan should have milestones to be delivered on 2/12, 2/14 and 2/21 (2/19 is a holiday).  The pre-project plan should include activities that will lead to a project plan for late Feb through the end of March.

o   Continue reading, doing, and logging with any extra time

Class 2/7

o   Pair up with someone you haven’t paired up with before and jointly evaluate your pre-project plans.  Evaluations should consider:

o  Go over any questions from above, beginning with project concepts, deliverables, and activities described very briefly.  Make sure to explicitly mention your 2/12 deliverable(s)!

HW for 2/12

o  Finalize your pre-project plan

o  Meet the first milestones from your pre-project plan

Week 4

Class 2/12

o  pre-project milestones

     + list milestones for each day (today, 2/12, 2/14, 2/19)

     + describe where you are on today's milestones

     + what do you need class to do during pre-project period?

o  get CCV accounts

o  if time, gigapixel viewer tutorial

HW for 2/14 

o  your pre-project milestones.  Note that these first project should have milestones for 2/21, 2/26, 2/28, 3/5, 3/7, 3/12, 3/14, 3/19, 3/21, and 4/2.  Second-half projects will begin on 4/4 and go through the end of the semester.  Here is an evaluation rubric for projects:

Below are a set of questions that should help in evaluating project ideas.  Answer each with one of:

1) strongly disagree

2) disagree

3) neither agree nor disagree

4) agree

5) strongly agree 

The questions are:

o  The proposed project clearly identifies deliverable additions to our VR Software Wiki

o  The proposed project will inform future research, ie, advancing human knowledge

o  The proposed project involves large data visualization along the lines of the "Data Types" wiki page and identifies the specific data and software that it will use

o  The proposed project has a realistic schedule with explicit and measurable milestones at least each week and mostly every class

o  The proposed project includes an in-class activity

o The proposed project has resources available with sufficient documentation

o  self-evaluate your journal with this rubric:

Activities logging rubric

key for each criterion:

   5 == exceeds expectations

   4 == meets expectations

   3 == mostly solid with some gaps

   2 == shows some progress

   1 == some attempt

   0 == not found



   Journal activities are explicitly and clearly related to course deliverables

   deliverables are described and attributed in wiki

   report states total amount of time

   total time is appropriate

Class 2/14

o  pair-review journal reviews

o  1-minute summary of each review deliverables, practiced with timer twice each.

o  pre-project milestones for today

o  if time, continue gigapixel or move on to minVR or Unity tutorial

HW for 2/21 (2/19 is long-weekend holiday)

o  "final" proposal in journal (or in document linked there)

o  prepare 3 minute project descriptions with !powerpoint! slides sent to David AT LEAST 24 hours ahead

title, brief motivation, contributions/deliverables, schedule/milestones

progress on first milestone

3 minutes.  really!

Week 5

Class 2/21

o project presentations -- 3 minutes each

Week 6

Class 2/26

 o remaining 4 project presentations

 o discussion of class time over first project period.  Please be ready to consider what from your project could benefit from some class time and when.  Also consider things you'd like to learn from other projects, to prepare for your second project, or just to know about research and VR.  Because projects are the focus over the rest of the semester, there will be minimal non-project homework.

Class 2/28

 o  project milestone checkin

 o  more discussion of class activities

Week 7

Class 3/5 

Brandon's more advanced tutorial on paraview.  If you can do the earlier tutorial on your computer, it should be set up sufficiently (right Brandon?)

Class 3/7

Loudon's three 3D audio tutorials.  Please bring the following to class:

Week 8

Class 3/12

Gary and Zak will do an ARkit vs ARcore shootout.  Here is what you'll need to bring for class:

Class 3/14

Project status: milestones, visuals, changes

Week 9

Class 3/19   

Michael vtk.js tutorial

Class 3/21

Jing's AR painting demo

Project status: milestones, visuals, changes

Scheduling for after Spring Break

Spring Break!

Week 10

Class 4/2

First project results and second project plans (1)

For your results please list and illustrate:

For your project plans, use the guide for the first project plans.  Dates for scheduling are 4/4, 4/9, 4/11, 4/16, 4/18, 4/23, 4/25, 4/30, 5/2, 5/7.  Final public demo is on 5/14 between 1pm and 4pm.

Loudon, Andrej, Giuse, Zak, Andrew, Gabriel

Class 4/4

First project results and second project plans (2).  

Michael, Ross, David, Gary, Ronald

Week 11

Class 4/9

Tal first project results and second project plans(3)

IEEE VR Conference trip report from Johannes Novotny

Class 4/11

Class planning, including final demos

tal, gabriel, andrew, michael, ronald, andrew, andrej, guise

Wiki editing

Week 12

Class 4/16

Class 4/18

Week 13

Class 4/23

Class 4/25

Week 14

Class 4/30

Class 5/2

Final in-class presentations (1): Loudon, Zak, David P, Gary, Gabriel, Andrew


zoom capture:

Week 15

** Class 5/7 ** CLASS STARTING AT 10 with Gary and Gabriel

Final in-class presentations (2): Gary, Gabriel, Andrej Simeski, Ross Briden, Giuse Nguyen, Michael Colonna, Tal Frieden, Ronald Baker


zoom capture:

Final Demos Friday 5/10

12-2pm at CCV, 180 George Street

posters and demos, open to campus, invite all your friends

This page has two sections. In the first section is a list of activities you can do early in the semester as you try to understand VR and science and as you decide what your project will be. This first section also provides examples of activities you can use in building up a project of your own, which you will implement later in the semester. 

In the second section is the calendar for the class. That includes what will do each day in class, and what the homework is to do before each class. Please be sure to check this regularly, as it will evolve over time. Some of the biggest changes will happen later in the semester when activities from your projects will be a part of what we do in class. Keep that opportunity in mind, since it is a great way to involve the class in your project and get meaningful input on software you're trying to evaluate.

Unsure of how to finish your 10 hours? Try one of the following (and consider how you'll assemble ideas like these into your projects)

Potential class activities second half

project progress (x2?) (all)

maze experiment with and without audio cues (loudon?)

lidar tutorial (ross)

done: loudon, gary, zak, michael

? (tal, gabriel, andrew, michael, ronald, andrew, andrej, guise)

Potential class activities from projects

X loudon: 3/7 three 3D audio tutorials

X Michael: mid-March vtk.js hello world

X AR hello world tutorial (ARCore & ARKit)

X gary: android ARcore

X Zak: mac ARkit. If you have a Mac and an iPhone, make sure you install Xcode and bring a lightning cable (to connect your phone to your laptop).

project progress reports

Michael/David/Ronald webVR with Aframe or React360 atop

andrew: UI/UX evaluation (tiltbrush? unity--?)

Ross: lidar something in class, bring lidar researchers here to talk. lidar-jungle day

Tal; recreate twitter something, once more knowledge about what might work

Gabriel: something open-street-map related

Brandon: more unreal -- maybe something equivalent to ball tutorial (maybe Loudon)


minVR + 

minVR tutorial (brandon?)

wiki section on VR design principles (Bowman et al 3D UI's book)

? Maya tutorial

? in-class project/tutorial development

Non-project activities

group wiki editing

Final Project Plans:

How to print a poster:

7. If the poster is coming out sideways or too small or whatever hit the red button before too much paper gets wasted. Then double check settings and try again.