Unity Apple Vision Pro Lab

Apple Vision Pro Unity Demo Lab

The lab is divided into two parts: pre-lab setup and in-lab deployment. Students must complete Part 1 before attending the lab session.

Note: if you cannot complete part 1 before the lab on your personal computer due to computer requirements, please use a Mac from the VCL. 

Part 1: Project Setup and Simulator Testing (Pre-Lab)

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

Support Resources

Technical Documentation

Setup Process

visionOS Simulator Setup

Unity Student Setup

If you already have Unity setup from a prior class, skip to the add modules section of step 2. 

4. Platform Configuration

5. Other Configuration

In Player Settings (accessible from Build Settings):

Under Other Settings > Configuration:

Set Target SDK to "Simulator SDK" for testing

Under Project Settings go to XR Plug-in Management Section

Install it and then Enable Apple visionOS under Plug-in Providers

Close Project Settings Window

6. Package Installation

To install the required PolySpatial packages in Unity:

(If Window closes after package install, open it again and continue)






8. Polyspatial Demo App

9. Simulator Testing

Part 2: AVP Deployment (In-Lab)

Will pass around the headset to experience the demo Unity app already built and deployed.

Further instructions during class.