Unity Apple Vision Pro Lab
Apple Vision Pro Unity Demo Lab
The lab is divided into two parts: pre-lab setup and in-lab deployment. Students must complete Part 1 before attending the lab session.
Note: if you cannot complete part 1 before the lab on your personal computer due to computer requirements, please use a Mac from the VCL.
Part 1: Project Setup and Simulator Testing (Pre-Lab)
Hardware Requirements
Apple Silicon Mac (M1 or newer)
Software Requirements
Storage Space for Unity 2022.3 (LTS) or later (~15GB) and visionOS XCode simulator (~5GB)
Xcode 15.2+ (download here)
Brown University Enterprise Developer Account access (see Slack message about this)
Support Resources
Technical Documentation
Setup Process
visionOS Simulator Setup
Install visionOS Simulator
Open Xcode
Go to Window > Devices and Simulators
Click the "+" button in the bottom left
Select "Add Simulator"
Choose "Apple Vision Pro" from the device type dropdown
Select the latest visionOS version
Give it a name (optional)
Click "Create"
Unity Student Setup
If you already have Unity setup from a prior class, skip to the add modules section of step 2.
Unity Account Setup
Visit Unity Student Plan portal
Click the Post-Secondary link
Sign in with Unity ID using Google sign-in with university email
Download Unity Hub
Unity Hub Setup
Go to Unity’s website
Sign in with Unity ID using Google sign-in with university email
Install required Unity version:
Open Unity Hub
When prompted, install the latest Unity Editor
Wait for Unity Editor to install
Then, navigate to Installs
Click gear icon next to Unity install and select Add modules
Add modules: visionOS Build Support, iOS Build Support
Get Unity Student license key
First, navigate to Preferences in Unity Hub
Go to Licenses tab, and if the educational license is already active, skip all remaining steps below and go directly to step 3
Otherwise go to ID Unity Organizations page
Select the organization with your name with underscores (i.e. jakobi_haskell)
Click the Subscriptions & Services section, then Unity Student
Near the bottom, there should be a window that contains your Serial Key (copy this)
In Unity Hub:
Go to Settings
Select License Management
Enter received license key
Project Configuration
Open Unity Hub
Click "New Project" button in top right
Select Unity 2022.3 LTS or later from version dropdown
Choose "Universal 3D" as the template (recommended for PolySpatial features)
Name your project
Choose project location
Click "Create project"
4. Platform Configuration
Open Build Settings (File > Build Settings)
Select visionOS platform
Click "Switch Platform"
Enable Development Build checkbox
5. Other Configuration
In Player Settings (accessible from Build Settings):
Under Other Settings > Configuration:
Set Target SDK to "Simulator SDK" for testing
Under Project Settings go to XR Plug-in Management Section
Install it and then Enable Apple visionOS under Plug-in Providers
Close Project Settings Window
6. Package Installation
To install the required PolySpatial packages in Unity:
Open or Navigate to Package Manager Window
Go to Window > Package Manager in Unity's main menu
Add Packages
Click the + button in the top-left corner of the Package Manager window
Select "Add package by name"
Enter each package name separately and leave version unselected:
(If Window closes after package install, open it again and continue)
Click "Add" after entering each package name
8. Polyspatial Demo App
Follow the Unity tutorial here to import the balloon sample app into your project
Click “Build and Run” to run in visionOS simulator
When Unity finishes, Xcode will automatically open
9. Simulator Testing
In Xcode, select your target in the navigator
In the signing section, select your Brown Developer Team
Set the Bundle Identifier to a unique name in this format: "edu.brown.[your_login].BalloonGallery"
At the top of Xcode, select "Vision Pro Simulator" as your target device
Click the Play button (or ⌘R) to build and run
Wait for the simulator to launch
Your app should appear in the simulator's space
You won’t be able to test gesture recognition, but make sure it builds and runs and you can see balloons
Now you are ready for the lab!
Part 2: AVP Deployment (In-Lab)
Will pass around the headset to experience the demo Unity app already built and deployed.
Further instructions during class.