VR in Engineering
Sayan Chakraborty
VR allows engineers and designers to experiment easily with the look and build of a vehicle before commissioning expensive prototypes. Companies such as BMW and Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) been using VR for years to hold early design and engineering reviews to check the visual design and object obscuration of the vehicle - all before any money has been spent on physically manufacturing the parts.
VR is saving the automotive industry millions by reducing the number of prototypes built per vehicle line.
The aforementioned article describes three different roles that VR takes on in different instances:
Regardless of the location, employees can create a meeting room for discussing current issues and work-related matters. In addition, engineers can cooperate on projects in virtual workrooms.
Engineers are often asked to demonstrate prototypes of a product or system to management, and VR helps. For example, civil engineers can conduct virtual tours to show the result of their work with built-in interactions.
Virtual reality is an excellent medium for prototyping, enabling engineers to visualize future products, analyze layouts, and diagnose errors. In addition, it’s possible to test different versions of models.