Virtual Desktop and SteamVR Setup for Virtualitics on Oculus Quest 2

Created by Amanda Levy on 3/11/22

As of March 2022, a user couldn't use the Virtualitics Oculus Quest 2 app independent of the desktop application. Once the user logged into their account on the VR app, only the pre-loaded example files were present on the left menu tab, and there was no option to load local files. Additionally, the controls were not correctly calibrated, so it is difficult to explore the functional capabilities of the Oculus Quest 2 app. Thus, it is easier to examine datasets by using the following desktop and VR combination.

Start with setting up the Virtualitics Desktop Application

  1. Set up the computer with the license to have the desktop Virtualitics application running. See Desktop Setup page for more details on how to download Virtualitics on a desktop.

  2. Follow the Quest Setup page for details on how to download the Virtualitics App on your Oculus.

  3. Open the Virtualitics application on a desktop.

  4. Click “File” → “Load Project” → Navigate to the project file you want to view → click "Open"

See below screenshot for help finding "Load Project"

Next, set up the VR component

  1. Run Virtual Desktop on the Oculus Quest 2.

  2. Open SteamVR from the Oculus Quest 2 headset.

  3. On the desktop Virtualitics application, click the VR button in the upper right corner. See screenshot below for help identifying the VR button.

  4. Put on your headset and follow the controls to navigate the environment. See the below screenshot of the Virtualitics-released diagram for controller labels.

Exit VR mode to navigate between different projects

  1. When you have finished analyze the data in VR, press "esc" button on computer to exit VR mode.

  2. Go to "File" → "Close Project" to exit the project and either switch to a new project by clicking "Load Project" or click "Exit" to leave the Virtualitics desktop application.

Tips for Success:

  • The controls are not accurately calibrated on the VR application, so besides moving the graph, zooming in/out, and rotating the graph, it is best to do all other operations on the desktop

  • To examine a specific bin, click on the bin on the desktop before switching to VR mode by clicking the "VR" button.

  • On the desktop: To move the graph, click on the grey space and drag. To rotate the graph, click with two fingers and spin the model.