
Contact info and relevant background for each class member (see "loose prerequisites" in syllabus for appropriate background to include).  Journal pages linked here are populated  with the activities  done before each class, including the second one on Tuesday, 1/30/18.

Also included are links to notes taken while reading, organizing  thoughts, interviewing, installing software, doing tutorials, etc.  That information is an important part of the software evaluation process, because it documents  experience with the software or information about it right when you it is happening.

David Laidlaw,, built Yurt, knows some VR software really well, CS224 and prereqs, math, sw engineering, particularly interested in creating visualization tools that can be used to advance scientific knowledge in other disciplines.

Jacob Leiken,, experience with UI/UX including non-traditional interfaces (i.e. Amazon Alexa), taken CS32 and CS33, experience with game design, worked at IT Service Center for a year, interested in social VR experiences

Brandon Li,, self-proclaimed VR enthusiast, has taken Linear Algebra, currently taking CS32, has dabbled with the Oculus SDK, documenting, testing, and evaluating code, Unity, interested in VR as a general field, especially interested in unique applications of VR.

Elaine Jiang, elaine_jiang@brown,edu, working on a supernova VR project with Tom Sgouros, took CS33/CS32, has experience with MinVR and VTK as well as installing software on linux/Windows, very interested in the possible intersections of VR and science/education. 

Amedeo Alberio,, excited about VR applications in education and gaming (in particular VR headsets). Have experience in developing, testing and documenting software. Tinkered with Unity to create 3D animations.

Ruiqi Mao,, HTAed CS123 and discussed VR with UTAs, albeit never having personally coded a VR project. Took CS32. Experienced with Linux and 3D modeling. Interested in applications of VR for gaming, social media, and a mix of the two.

Ankita Sharma,, interested in the real life uses of VR and its role in making certain experiences more accessible, took CS32/CS33, experience with downloading and installing software on linux/windows and software testing, evaluation, and documentation. Have dabbled with ARKit.

Zach Dixon,, worked on (ongoing) data cube visualization project with David Laidlaw using MinVR. Took CS123 (where I did a Vive project) and CS32. Interest in VR applications and games. Also, I own a Samsung Gear VR.

Martin Uildriks,, has a background in real-time and embedded software and modern web apps (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, limited knowledge of C, C#, and C++). Extensive background in Windows and Linux. Familiarity with CS15/16, CS123(4), CS132, and CS160; particularly interested in graphics and visualization as tools for analysis and education, particularly in the cultural heritage sector. Done tons of modeling (photogrammetry and CAD) for archaeological fieldwork, and strong familiarity with appropriate packages (Autodesk packages, Meshlab, Blender, PhotoScan etc.). Not coded for VR-specific applications, but very interested in learning!

Cyrus Maden,, experience with Wikimedia (chat me up @soyrice on my Wikipedia talk page), writing technical documentation, markup languages (Markdown, reStructuredText), API doc generators (Sphinx, Doxygen, MkDocs), software testing and evaluation, and some programming for web apps (Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS). Interested in VR applications for science/education, especially for city planning and the public sector.

Kevin Dackow, Experience in software engineering, web development (Node.js, React, HTML, CSS, JS, Python), computer systems, and software management on DOS, OSX, and Linux. I'm fascinated by VR and am excited to explore the creative side of computer science through VR's. Additionally, the applications of VR to health and medicine fascinate me, and I am excited to help make VR more accessible to everyone by helping with the creation of this Wiki!

Kyle Cui,, experience in software engineering (CS32 & 33), web development, computer graphics (CS123), and software management on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Particularly interested in VR in professional, non-CS fields such as heath and medicine.

Linda Park,, I've done research with Jeff's Rewind group where I projected streetview panoramas at the YURT. I've taken classes in web development, systems, UI/UX. I'm interested in exploring VR games and different VR headsets/gear.

Duncan McManus,  I have software development experience (took 33 and am taking 32).  I'm currently working on an app project that uses VR and I'm really excited to learn more about VR software development and tools!

Jen Kaplan, experience with software development (CS33, CS32 and some online iOS development courses), concentrating in Computer Engineering so I have some experience creating hardware from the various ENGN courses I've taken. i'm particularly interested in how the software and hardware of VR interact. I don't have a lot of prior experience with VR so I'm super excited to learn and then make that information accessible to anyone! 

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Edwin Hidalgo,, experience with software development and web development (CS 33 and CS132), UI/UX, linux and windows software installation. Particularly interested in VR general applications and specifically with gaming and the anthropological studies of virtual worlds found within these environments.

Fumeng Yang,, good experience with graphics (CS123 & beyond), HCI (HCI, affective interfaces, HCI seminar), 3d modeling (3ds max & beyond), SE & design patterns, programming (Java, C/C++, JS etc), VR development (Unity3D, C/C++, OpenVR, Vive, and a little bit with the YURT and Unreal).  Feel free to contact me if you think I can be useful...

Brett Halperin,, I am excited about VR/AR for art and always looking to collaborate on new projects (text me any time👆). I have a mix of art + (limited) CS skills; I've taken CS for humanities + social sciences, computation @ RISD, digital language art, and art in digital culture. I've dabbled with Blender 3D and A-Frame to create physics simulations/AR/VR artwork and am curating 360° films and VR compatible with Unity/HTC Vive for the Ivy Film Festival (submit here!).

Daniel Nam,, worked with integrated reality and data processing at the VENLab. I'm currently taking CS32 and have various VR knowledge from own interest. Worked with Vizard, or WorldViz, and cardboard. Would like to learn more about VR360 and other entertainment based VR platforms.