Porting a Unity app to the yurt
Starting Up
Either create a new Unity project or open an existing one
Import minvr.unitypackage (Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package)
To your Camera, add the MinVR/components/VRMain script
Add the MinVR/prefabs/YurtConfig prefab to the main scene
Project Settings
Go to Edit -> Project Settings and change the following:
Under Player -> Resolution and Presentation:
Ensure that "Fullscreen Mode" is set to "Fullscreen Window"
Check "Run in Background"
Under Player -> XR Settings:
Check "Virtual Reality Supported"
Then click the plus icon and add "Stereo Display (non head-mounted)"
Remove any other Virtual Reality SDKs by highlighting and clicking the minus icon
Under Script Execution Order:
Ensure that MinVR.VRMain has a -200ms time offset
VRPN (optional)
Add the MinVR/prefabs/VRPNInputs prefab to the main scene
Go to File -> Build Settings
Add all necessary scenes
Set the "Target Platform" to Linux
Build to a folder of your choice
Copy the entire build folder over to Oscar
Make sure your app has execute permissions (chmod +x <your app>.x86_64)
Run /gpfs/dhl/data/lcohen2/unity_launcher/unity_launcher /path/to/<your app>.x86_64 /path/to/YURT.minvr
Loudon Cohen