2019 Research Findings
VR Audio Testing: Maze Experiment
VR Audio Testing: Maze Experiment
I. Audience/ Samples
I. Audience/ Samples
Brown RISD Game Development Club
6 users tested with both audio cues and without
II. Experiment
II. Experiment
Fixed maze environment in Unity using a Vive Pro HMD.
Tested and timed user solving the maze both with and without audio cues leading to the exit
On average, users with audio cues solved the maze in 1:31 and without audio it took 2:22. However, the more important statistic might be that 3 of the users gave up on solving the maze without audio cues
fMRI Data Visualization with Paraview
fMRI Data Visualization with Paraview
Used fMRI data to cluster nueron flares associated with memory access activity
Visualized the flaring clusters using Paraview
For others to be able to do the same
Described fMRI, why its used, and issues associated with its use
Click here to learn more!

Loudon Cohen