Paraview Yurt Issues Thread
by Spencer Cheleden
FAQ/Known Issues
OpenGL Version Issue: Upon opening the Paraview Yurt UI, an error comes up that says that the OpenGL version is incorrect (add literal error test here). A known fix for this issue is to ensure that the OpenGL Mesa module is loaded, not one of the Nvidia ones. To ensure that this is the case, run the following command: module load opengl/mesa-12.0.6 .
OpenGL swapbuffers() warning: The warning swapBuffers() called with non-exposed window sometimes occurs when loading the UI. Documentation indicates that the resulting behavior is undefined, although Paraview appears to run as intended. Could be a simple bug in the source relating to the order of rendering calls; unresolved.
Missing Paraview Readers: Currently, .plt (Binary Tecplot Files) cannot be read in the Yurt version of Paraview, as the VisIt Tecplot Binary Reader is missing. In fact, it seems that a number of Paraview readers might be missing. Currently unclear whether or not adding these readers is an easy fix or if it requires extensive rebuilding and debugging of Paraview.