Project proposal 2

Project Proposal 2

Second Project Proposal Draft:

Unity Port Part 2:

  • Activities:

    • Test remote debugging of the Yurt w/Unity (4/2)

    • Create a launch script for all Unity windows (4/7 - 4/9)

      • Either based on Ethan's script or based on the Windows target version of MinVR w/Unity (has nice guaranteed sync properties)

      • Configure gpu allocation properly

    • Combine the above with scalable code from MinVR for the OpenGL window (4/14 - 4/23)

    • More documentation and quality of life features (4/28 - )

  • Potential deliverables:

    • A set of guidelines and extra software for working with Unity and then porting to the Yurt

    • A Unity display configuration scene. Potentially with added features such as software calibration

    • A repository with a default Unity configuration+documentation that works in the Yurt along with scripts for running it

  • Potential class activities:

    • General Unity tutorial for VR applications

    • Guide on porting Unity app to the Yurt

  • Data visualization:

    • Guise's Unity data from last year

    • Testing unity .fbx and .blend capability

  • Resources:

Project 2 Evaluation by Brandon 3/30/20

o The proposed project clearly identifies deliverable additions to our VR Software Wiki - Strongly agree

o The proposed project involves previously unavailable Yurt data visualization functionality - Strongly agree

o The proposed project involves large data visualization along the lines of the "Data Types" wiki page and identifies the specific data and software that it will use - neither agree nor disagree (No data explicitly stated, but this is more of a software dev focused project)

o The proposed project has a realistic schedule with explicit and measurable milestones at least each week and mostly every class - Strongly agree

o The proposed project includes an in-class activity - Strongly agree

o The proposed project has resources available with sufficient documentation - Agree

Project 2 Evaluation by Ethan 3/30/20

The proposed project clearly identifies deliverable additions to our VR Software Wiki: 5

The proposed project involves previously unavailable Yurt data visualization functionality: 5

The proposed project involves large data visualization along the lines of the "Data Types" wiki page and identifies the specific data and software that it will use: N/a -- No data stated (perhaps in the in-class activity), but there are plenty of possibilities which could easily be added.

The proposed project has a realistic schedule with explicit and measurable milestones at least each week and mostly every class: 5

The proposed project includes an in-class activity: 4

The proposed project has resources available with sufficient documentation: 5

Can't wait to see it!

Project 2 eval by David 3/31/20

Looks great! Perhaps nail down the wiki contributions more concretely. That may help make clearer what needs to be done and how long things might take. I envision some kinds of data that could be pulled into the yurt, but make that more concrete, as well, I think.

Project 2 Evaluation By Ross 03/31/20

Great proposal and deliverables! I agree that specifying some type of test data would be beneficial. Maybe you could utilize the same pointcloud data that Ethan is using so we can h