In-class Activity #2

Total Estimated Time: 45 min

To-do Before Class:

Estimated Time: 10 min


Brief Intro:

In this activity, we will work in groups to visualize a simple set of data and compare the experience of data visualization and collaboration using Horizon Worlds, Horizon Workrooms, and Google Workspace. The purpose of this activity is to understand how VR technology can enhance data visualization, collaboration, and communication in various workspaces.

Here’s the data to visualize: VR headset unit sales worldwide 2019-2024


Google Workspace

Estimated Time: 5 min

Device: laptop


Horizon Workrooms

Estimated Time: 10 min

Device: Oculus Quest 2


Horizon Worlds

Estimated Time: 20 min

Device: Oculus Quest 2



That’s the end of the activity. Thank you for participating!