Unity proGRIDS

Grids and Object Snapping In Unity

By Alejandro Romero


ProGrids is a Unity extension that allows for placing objects systematically via grid snapping.

Home Page


Core Features

  • Allows projection of grids in X, Y, or Z axes

  • Set units between gridlines

  • Project 3D grids

  • Toggle snapping

  • Snap all object in scene

Other Helpful Extensions

Installation and Getting Started

  1. Open Unity. If you do not have Unity installed, see the Unity3D wiki page

  2. Go to Window > Package Manager and make sure All-packages is selected in the dropdown in the top left of the Package Manager window

  3. Simply look up ProGrids and hit install on the bottom right

  4. In the Editor, go to Tools > ProGrids > ProGrids Window

  5. This will open the ProGrids window! Its functionality is outlined in the main Features section above