Final Public Demo

By Mohammed Akel '23


Part 01 | Communication Boards

Part 02 | Gravity Sketch


During this demo, you will explore story narration via communication boards (a 2D medium) and Gravity Sketch (an immersive 3D medium). This exercise aims to look at communication difficulties experienced by verbally impaired users. This is not meant to simulate experiences of disability. Think of it as a communication experience to understand the challenges in predicting needed vocabulary. Think of a story you would like to share with me - a story that you could easily share over a meal with friends or family. 

Part 01 | Communication Boards 

A communication board is a type of augmentative or alternative communication (AAC) device that allows nonverbal individuals to communicate with others. These devices can be handmade or digital programs used in the home, at school, or in other settings. 

For this demo, we will use printouts of comprehensive communication boards developed by Proloquo2Go. Your task is to communicate your story via the given 2D medium. 

Part 02 | Gravity Sketch 

Gravity sketches provide an environment where designers can make 3D objects in a 3D space. In addition, it hosts a comprehensive network of cross-platform file sharing and modeling collaboration through its built-in cloud-based storage, Gravity Sketch Landing Pad. The activity focused on visual representations of vocabulary in a collaborative virtual environment.  

For this demo, we will use Gravity Sketch to simulate non-verbal communication in virtual environments. Your task is to communicate your story via the given virtual medium. Refer to the following documents to help you get to grips with basic controls, and sketching tools, and begin to manipulate your 3D designs created in VR: Your First Sketch in Gravity Sketch