Photon Lobby and Rooms
Camilo Diaz - March 2023
How to create lobby and rooms using Photo + Unity
Photon Engine give us free the hosting and some API calls to synchronize our avatar's transformations across the net. It could be case were you have a large number of users in the same simulation, and you want to split them in smaller groups where they can enjoy different activities within the same VR space. Let's learn how to create rooms using Photon.
This tutorial assumes you already know how to import Unity XR tool kits and Photon Engine in your project. If you dont, please follow this tutorial and come back when you have your Photon environment configured.
Open Unity and create a new project
Using Unity's package manager add Unity XR toolkit and Photon Pun2.
In your scene create a XR-UI to create the interface where the users can select the rooms.
In the scene hierarchy panel (left) right click -> XR -> UI Canvas (If you don't see the XR option, check your XR toolkit installation)
The created canvas is larger than your scene. You have to rescale it to fit the scale of your scene. For example , in the width and height properties change it to 1.
To add a background color to the canvas do right click on the canvas -> UI -> Image . Rescale the image to fit the canvas as we did in the previous step.
Add 3 buttons to the canvas and rename them as room 1, room 2 and room 3
4. Create an empty game object and rename it NetworkManager. Add a new script component to it and called it NetworkManager
5. Open the NetworkManager Script in your code editor and copy paste the following code.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Photon.Pun;
using Photon.Realtime;
using TMPro;
public class NetworkManager : MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks
private bool isConnected = false;
public void ConnectedToServer()
if (!isConnected)
PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings(); // This code connects to the Photon server once the Unity scene starts
public override void OnConnectedToMaster()
isConnected = true;
public override void OnJoinedLobby()
// This callback happens when players joinig the general lobby
public void InitializeRoom(int room)
RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions();
roomOptions.MaxPlayers = 4;
roomOptions.IsVisible = true;
roomOptions.IsOpen = true;
string roomName = "CS1951t_"+room.ToString(); // The name of the room depends on the button label
PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom(roomName, roomOptions, TypedLobby.Default);
public override void OnJoinedRoom()
PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel(level_to_load); // Here you load you level
public override void OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Player newPlayer)
6. Add the function InitializeRoom to the Onclick event of the UI Buttons
7 . Using your VR controllers ( with the XR interaction toolkit ) you can click any button to be send to the specified room. The users can only interact with the the ones in the same room