Yurt-Unity tools, tips, and tricks
If you are looking for the Unity-Yurt porting guide, look here. You should not have to read this document if you are just porting.
This is a collection of resources, tips, and tricks for Unity-Yurt development. This should be used by maintainers of Unity in the Yurt and requires proficiency in Unity, C#, C++ and OpenGL.
The MinVRUnity unitypackage is an importable collection of the below which includes a modified MinVRUnity as well as plugins for SDL2, Scalable rendering and VRPN input.
This project is a version of Unity with MinVR scripts implemented in C# to interface with other Unity instances and/or a regular MinVR server.
MinVRUnity has a flag for enabling the right machine. Use -vrdevice <MachineName> to specify a specific device. For the Yurt, these devices are provided as a prefab (YurtConfig.prefab). To debug on any machine simply use -vrdevice Desktop.
Combining with a MinVR Server
To use an external MinVR server w/MinVRUnity, simply follow the regular instructions for standalone MinVR. Then, create an empty application.
Important: Do not use the full YURT.minvr configuration file with the server! MinVRUnity takes care of all the clients. Only the VRPN server and other external sources need to be run outside of Unity. MinVRUnity can even have certain nodes act as the server or standalone.
Native Plugins
Native Plugins are a way to utilize a preferred platform and/or graphics pipeline in Unity with (almost) complete control.
Here is the official Unity documentation regarding the low-level interface.
Here is the official Unity Native Rendering Plugin example for all operating systems and the major graphics APIs.
Native Plugins are used for both Scalable rendering (VRMain.cs) and VRPN integration (VRPN *.cs) with Unity.
If, when running in the Yurt, the console outputs: "Could not load plugin: [Plugin Name]", this either means the plugin .so file is not in the proper directory or that the build has unavailable library dependencies. The simplest solution is generally to build plugins directly on CCV machines.
Unity Launcher
This simple app is responsible for running all the instances of Unity in the Yurt. It is located in /gpfs/dhl/data/lcohen2/unity_launcher
Building on the Yurt
Make sure to load the latest cmake, gcc, scalable, opengl, vrpn, minvr and python modules. For loading modules see the Oscar documentation.
Important: ssh into cave020 when building to ensure the right resources are available.
Building MinVRRenderingPlugin
Copy /gpfs/dhl/data/lcohen2/UnityPluginSource to your own folder.
cd <your_path>/UnityPluginSource
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
The result libMinVRRenderingPlugin.so may then be copied to <app_name>_data/Plugins/ in your Unity project build folder
Building VRPNPlugin
Copy /gpfs/dhl/data/lcohen2/VRPNMeshClient to your own folder.
cd <your_path>/VRPNMeshClient
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
The result libVRPNPlugin.so may then be copied to <app_name>_data/Plugins/ in your Unity project build folder
Building SDL2
Copy /gpfs/dhl/data/lcohen2/SDL2 to your own folder.
cd <your_path>/SDL2
bash build.sh
Loudon Cohen