Vincent's Journal
Learning goals
Before | After | Goal
2 | 4 | Goal 1: articulate VR visualization software tool goals, requirements, and capabilities
2 | 5 | Goal 2: construct meaningful evaluation strategies for software libraries, frameworks, and applications; strategies include surveys, interviews, comparative use, case studies, and web research
1 | 5 | Goal 3: execute tool evaluation strategies
1 | 3 | Goal 4: build visualization software packages
2 | 5 | Goal 5: comparatively analyze software tools based on evaluation
1 | 4 | Goal 6: be familiar with a number of VR software tools and hardware
3 | 5 | Goal 7: think critically about software
2 | 5 | Goal 8: communicate ideas more clearly
1 | 4 | Goal 9: create interactive & collaborative experience for education purpose
Total: 151 hours
HOURS Journal
5/15 - 1 hours
Update wiki contributions on grabable object with hand-tracking
5/12 - 2 hours
Update wiki contributions on hand-tracking with A-frame
5/9 - 4 hours
Update wiki contributions
Add a page on the visit to RI hospital and the VR application in medical operations
5/6 - 5 hours
Debuggin hand-representation issue and performance when climbbing the ladder in the demo
5/2 - 7 hours
In-class activities
Debugging Networked-aframe issue loading the scene
4/29 - 7 hours
Implement grabable object in the demo scene with the magmet-helper
4/25 - 5 hours
Debug hand-tracking for grabable objects in A-frame
Try to use magnet-helper from handy-work for grabable objects
4/23 - 6 hours
Explore A-frame Handy-Work package
Try to use hand-tracking with Handy-work instead of the controller
4/20 - 4 hours
Explore Handy-work package for A-frame
4/16 - 5 hours
Trying out the finger gestrue simulation:
Very slow and decided not to sue it in the demo
4/12 - 6 hours
Work on mid presentation
Trying out Networked-aframe with demo on Glitch
Try to implement movement control within Networked-aframe
4/9 - 5 hours
Look into the idea of a VR keyboard with handtracking instead of controller
4/5 - 6 hours
Debugging the controller tracking in A-Frame with Quest 2 controllers, some settings seems to not working
4/2 - 5 hours
Trying out some default controller tracking using A-Frame
Based on project 1 controller customization, further explore controller finger simulation, found some interesting projects on Github
3/29 - 3 hours
Work with native hand tracking on Quest2
3/26 - 4 hours
Revise Project 2 plan
Prepare project 2 presentation
3/22 - 5 hours
Explore multi-user support in WebVR
Explore 3D structure model data formats support in A-Frame, especially glTF format
Project 2 outline
Visualize interaction with 3D structure (pressure, load...) or object physics
Integrate hand interaction with multi-user support
Simulate joints/fingers in VR for detailed hand action and gesture
3/21 - 4 hours
Read the Seven Senarios paper
Draft for project 2
Analyze structure model, perhaps deformation of structure under load
Be able to interact and pick out structure with "hand"
Hand detail traking, fingers / joints simulation in VR, this is inspired by evaluating paper's section 6.3 on evaluating communication through visualization
Collaboratively interact with 3D object, this is inspired by 6.4.2 evaluating wehter social exchange around and communication about the data facilitated
3/15 - 4 hours
Adding mroe WIKI contributions
3/13 - 5 hours
Learn and add support for Quest2 controller, and customize navigation control
3/9 - 8 hours
Making objects in A-Frame, soccer field, player, camera view
Learn how to make animations in A-Frame
Learn how to update animations dynamically
3/5 - 3 hours (Covid affected)
Using "360 freeze frame" from statsbomb dataset to make polygons on the visualization to visualize space that controlled by each player
Started to look into how to use A-Frame to put visualization into VR and realize that I understood it incorrectly
3/1 - 3 hours (Covid affected)
Postpone in-class activity
Finish visualization in animated 2D
2/27 - 5 hours
Use statsbombpy to further select the columns and aggregate data that I need
Visualize soccer field and player position with D3.js
Learn how to dynamically update data in D3.js to make animated visualization
2/22 - 5 hours
Learn basic data visualization using D3.js, on Observable notebook
Learn to use statsbombpy, which doesn't really have any documentation, only examples
2/15 - 4 hours
Filter dataset from World Cup final
Learn basic usage of D3.js: DOM manipulation and data binding with Javascript
2/13/2023 - 4 hours
Continue looking into the big data collection on StatsBomb
Try to load dataset in Tableau
Revised project plan and add details on journal page
2/12/2023 - 2hours
Research D3.js and A-Frame
2/10/2023 - 5 hours
Research software & frameworks for visualizing the soccer data
Revise project plan and prepare presentation slides
2/7/2023 - 2 hours
Complete DinoVR activities
Suggest on activity board
Continue looking to StatsBomb soccer data collection
Project plan
Project: Visualize soccer data on the field in VR to understand how one action (passing or off-the-ball position) of a player influence the match
In-class activity: compare the effectiveness of visualize the impact of one single action on other players: lines of players’ movement, or area heat map of players’ movement
2/14 - pick an interesting dataset to be used from StatsBomb
2/16 - filter the data to be used for visualization using statsbombpy
2/23 - find the appropriate VR tool to visualize the json format data and setup
2/28 - have a initial visualization result of all the data of the selected action (passing or off-the-ball position) on a football field in VR
3/2 - visualize the players’ movement in a given time (arrow lines or heat map)
3/7 - in-class activities to compare and improve visualization methods
3/9 - animate the visualized movement
2/6/2023 - 5 Hours
Complete Quest2 Google Earth VR activities
Look into visualization projects made by Karim Douïeb
Update project ideas:
Visualize soccer data (passing or off-the-ball position) to understand how one action affects the flow of the game
Will do: explore what data are recorded for each match; which data is the best representation; look into what tool to use
In-class: discuss how to highlight the influence of one type data in soccer data
Potential deliverables:
Visualization of the traces of all the ball passed at one specific point
Visualization of the traces of all the runs made by player at that point
With one of the tracing above, visualize the movement of players or dynamic of the game with a heat-map style
Visualize emotion data from Twitter text & compare different visualization methods
Will do: extract keywords from tweets; color data by emotion; look into what tools to use
In-class: discuss whether emoji is necessarily related to emotion & text for different people
Potential deliverables:
Compare different ways to visualize emotion along with keyword from Twitter data
Visualize prehistoric ceramic pattern design data across different time and space in American Southwest
Will do: explore what is the best way to represent the dataset, given many parameters to choose from; look into VR geographical tool that can help visualize prehistoric geography
In-class: discuss ways to integrate image data with number data
Potential deliverables:
A interactive visualization map to see how design pattern change and transition within & between different locations
Google Earth VR
Place I lived, on Google Earth VR
Place I lived, on Google Earth Web
Apartment at Brown, on Google Earth VR
Apartment at Brown, on Google Earth Web
From Brown to last landmark, on Google Earth VR
From Brown to last landmark, on Google Earth Web
2/3/2023 - 3 Hours
Brainstorm new project ideas about soccer data and emotional data
Look into StatsBomb, a big soccer data collection
Look into two Kaggle datasets on emotion detection and how they were generated; think about how to use them
Talk with a friend at CMU who is also interested in soccer data analysis and brainstorm ideas
2/1/2023 - 4 Hours
Setup Quest2
Project ideas
Visualize soccer data to have some insights in how actions of players dictate the match (most interested in this project, but need to do more research on which direction/type of data to work with)
One direction is to integrate spatiotemporal position of players, player body that touches the ball, as well as the distribution of the ball
Another direction is to analyze the off-the-ball positioning of players and how it affect the game
Visualize prehistoric ceramic pattern design data across different location in American Southwest, across time and space; the transitions & similarity in pattern design often reflect social activities, events and status of the owner, which works as text before language was invented
A dataset I had experience with during a project with an archeologist, where we tried some 2D map visualization approach, but there are too many parameters that make the visualization "heavy"
Challenge remains how to combine pattern data (image/vector) with geographical data
Visualizing flow of people in public space (for example museum) to better design the space; or to analyze how designs guide people to different experiences
Sentio VR?
1/30/2023 - 3 Hours
Read Kenny Gruchalla's bio and write up questions.
Research about Unreal Engine XR framework.
Research about Unity.
Proposed changes
~10 min changes
Add a safety instructions section to explain where to use a VR headset is safe.
Add more videos and information in VR for performing art section. Right now the page mainly consists of academic journal paper.
Add a section to update the trend in VR: what is being developed in the field? What is the next step for the scientists?
~1 hours changes
The list of contents of home page and other main pages (VR Visualization Software, VR Development Software, VR Modeling Software, VR Hardware) are not correctly reflect the subpages, which makes things very confused to navigate; could update the list or just put the comparison charts on the main page.
There are many non-VR visualization computer tools out there. What is the advantage of purchasing a VR and utilize it over the normal tools? We can add a comparison section to convince more people to use VR visualization in certain areas.
Add a student project section for 2022 class.
~10 hours changes
For some of the most popular software, we can make a demo for each of them for the same visualization task to compare, so that people can easily pick one to get started.
Add a new page discussing the ethics and potential danger of VR.
Include a subpage for ArcGIS in the VR Visualization Software, which is a useful geographic visualization library.
1/29/2023 - 2 Hours
Setup journal page and slack.
Read through the wiki.
Read background papaer - Technology and applications for collaborative learning in virtual reality