Maia's Journal


CONTRIBUTION 1 [added to OpenSpace wiki with where it is at VR-wise right now]

CONTRIBUTION 2 [created new wiki page for Gaia Sky]

CONTRIBUTION 3 [created new wiki page for SpaceEngine]

CONTRIBUTION 4 [created new wiki page under 'Applications of VR' for Astrovisualization]

CONTRIBUTION 5 [added Metrics, Collaborative Evaluation section to Gravity Sketch]

CONTRIBUTION 6 [created new wiki page for ShapesXR]

CONTRIBUTION 7 [created new wiki page for Glue]

CONTRIBUTION 8 [created new wiki page for Prospect]


10 minute changes

  • Add a Table of Contents to pages that list data, for example: the Scientific Data page (added this).

  • Not 100% sure if the "editable link" achieves the same thing as the pen icon in the lower right corner; to my knowledge they do? In that case I would get rid of all the "editable link" hyper links.

  • When the "Student Research" tab is clicked, it leads to a blank webpage. I would add a short description + summary of the student research on this page.

1 hour changes

  • Set up a Google calendar for the course with all known due dates, class times, and other class info.

  • Go through and turn all raw links into hyperlinks with more succinct and descriptive phrases. For example, some of the links on the "Data Types & Examples" page. The reason this may be an hour is because whoever does this may have to look through all the datasets to understand what they're portraying. (In the same vein, double-check each link is working)

  • Go through all pages and utilize background colors to improve UI/UX and layout. For example, in the "Quest 2 Setup Guide", there are sections like the 1st step, 2nd step, and then many subsections so that the 1st step, 2nd step, etc. are quite large. I believe using background colors (maybe alternating, calmer ones) would help visually split these sections up and make them easier to understand for a viewer.

10 hour changes

  • Generally cleanup the layout of the wiki - at some points it can be a bit maze-y to click through, with lots of links on each page leading to each other, etc. I think listing out all the pages that exist and then reformatting how they should be connected to each other, if some pages should be merged / split into two, etc. could make the wiki more navigable for someone not part of the class who wants to look at VR research.

  • Create a "Current News in VR" page that is continually added to - breakthroughs, new headset releases, etc.

  • Create a new way to track hours so that they're automatically counted, and you can click on a certain day and be taken to the hours schedule for that day - would require another format + data structure


Total: 147 hours

HOURS journal

1/29/21 - 4 Hours

  • set up journal page

  • joined Slack and sent introduction

  • reviewed course homepage / links

  • proposed changes

  • started research

    • Since I didn't have much knowledge about the field coming into this class, I started reading some general papers about the history/conception of the field and where it is now.

1/30/21 - 3.5 Hours

  • Started reading background papers about VR, specifically research papers linked in VR wiki.

  • Watched YouTube videos on the current state of VR, what major companies are doing with VR right now, different VR headsets and their ratings based on user interaction and experience.

  • Started looking at various VR labs and their research.

  • Started looking at the various data linked in the course wiki.

2/2/22 - 4 hours

  • Set up Oculus with phone, played around with existing apps for a bit.

  • Brainstormed / fleshed out more project ideas + researched software.

    • Create a collaborative environment for human anatomy study; possible annotation, zoom, manipulation ability? (inspo, confirmed for Unreal Engine 4 + HTC Vive)

    • Evaluate + work on extending existing VR applications to map the surface of planets, particularly Mars / the moon; possible collaboration + multiple users exploring together (inspo, more info, confirmed for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, CAVE)

      • there already exist some kinds of these applications, so maybe evaluating it + surveying user experience, information retention, different platforms etc. and then connecting that to larger pictures of scientific visualization

    • Create an application to watch the surface of the Earth change over various time periods - focus on a specific region of scientific interest, geological data vs. ancient ruins? (inspo, VR for ancient ruins)

    • Using VR to analyze data from the last two years and how COVID has affected migration / traffic patterns (possible software: Amazon Sumerian)

2/4/22 - 3 hours

  • Troubleshooting with Oculus + finishing course setup (Google Earth pics)

  • Began homework (fleshing out project ideas) - keeping track in brainstorming doc.

2/6/22 - 2 hours

  • Fleshed out project idea 1 with more research (exoplanet exploration software + games).

  • Fleshed out project idea 2 focusing on collaborative data software.

  • Brainstorming doc with all helpful articles that were read linked

2/7/22 - 2 hour

  • Fleshed out more projects + looked for more research regarding VR data visualization of datasets used to predict effects of climate change, etc. Added this to the brainstorming doc.

2/13/22 - 3.5 hours

  • Did research on NREL, Kristi Potter to ask questions on Tuesday.

  • Fleshed out project plan for first half semester project. Proposal is linked in Proposal section.

2/14/22 - 3 hours

  • Wrote up and finalized project plan ; started reading all of OpenSpace's documentation and attempting to download it locally.

  • Week 1:

  • 2/15: Project presentation - finalize all aspects of project.

  • 2/17: Have OpenSpace downloaded - have it working on Virtual Machine / Graphics Lab computers and start exploring it, be extremely familiar with existing wiki and software capabilities. Note down fluidity of data visualization etc.

  • Week 2: Headset Week

  • 2/22: Have OpenSpace working on the HTC Vive.

  • 2/24 (no class): Have OpenSpace working on the Oculus Quest, or at least spend some time attempting to get it working and marking down potential roadblocks, bugs, current state of implementation.

  • Week 3: CAVE Week

  • 3/01: Have OpenSpace’s implementation of MinVR downloaded - be familiar with CAVE environment and how it works with MinVR in general

  • 3/03: Have OpenSpace working in the CAVE, or at least spend some time attempting to get it working and marking down potential roadblocks, bugs, current state of implementation.

  • Week 4:

  • 3/08: Be done evaluating all software; start on project presentation. Type up all evaluations on wiki. Focus especially on its compatibility with the Oculus Quest 2 and the CAVE environment, and its potential for collaboration / visual reality in the future.

  • 3/10: Project presentation - have everything finalized and all documentation of the process.

2/16/22 - 1 hour

  • Rating of journal based on criteria.

    • Journal activities are explicitly and clearly related to course deliverables

    • 3 (I link my brainstorming + record keeping docs.)

    • deliverables are described and attributed in wiki

    • 3 (I haven't added to the wiki beyond the initial changes we made, but I have linked some brainstorming docs)

    • report states total amount of time

    • 5 (total time is recorded per week and total)

    • total time is appropriate

    • 4 (in about two weeks, I've done ~25 hours of work.)

Tongyu's Review

  • 4 -- super organized + documentation is really detailed!

  • 3 -- hasn't added to the wiki yet but has good plans to do so

  • 5 -- time is recorded

  • 3.5 -- i think this is around the third week so perhaps a bit more time could be put in=

2/17/22 - 2 hours

  • Read OpenSpace user tutorials, familiarized myself with the datasets and possibilities available.

  • Downloaded OpenSpace locally and tried to start exploring (made my computer hang and then crash a few times :( )

2/18/22 - 1 hour

  • Attempted to set up graphics profile in Graphics Lab - emailed for help but might just end up using PaperSpace for everything.

2/19/22 - 2.5 hours

  • Downloaded OpenSpace on PaperSpace and started exploring.

  • Fixed broken links on wiki.

  • Started trying to configure OpenVR version of OpenSpace (pre-installations)

  • Notes for today

2/20/22 - 4 hours

  • Continue trying to setup existing OpenVR build.

  • Investigate differences between OpenSpace now and OpenSpace from a year ago - OpenVR capabilities seem to be deprecated or at least changed significantly and running into a lot of difficulties with the developers' current tutorials.

  • Notes continued

2/23/22 - 4 hours

  • Added Journal Review to Tongyu's journal

  • Joined official OpenSpace slack - combing through for info on how to configure OpenVR version of OpenSpace.

    • Seems as though they are rolling back existing OpenVR capabilities which were already kind of iffy, but moving forward with MinVR (although this is less well documented?). In any case, there hasn't been many updates in the #vr channel since a year ago.

  • Attempting to build using this tutorial - no longer up, so it may be deprecated, but seems more recent than tutorials on this wiki

  • Followed Brandon's tutorial (compiling in general and added minVR steps) - getting CMake errors

2/25/22 - 4 hours

  • Tried to follow Brandon's tutorial again with an earlier commit; however, still running into CMake errors

  • Messaged senior dev of OpenSpace - indicated that OpenVR has been broken for the past few builds, but they're trying to get it enabled again / planning a release for April with OpenVR possibly working

  • No planned support for Oculus Quest / Android based devices

  • Possible prebuilt older version of OpenSpace to be given to me?

2/27/22 - 3 hours

  • Made project update presentation.

  • Started configuring in class activity - use desktop version of OpenSpace and Gaia Sky and take a Google survey on each one

    • For a more collaborative activity, pair up and try to guide each other to a particular landmark.

  • Tried to find more astrovisualization programs

    • Looked into Gaia Sky - possible pivot for next half of project?

2/28/22 - 2.5 hour

  • Tried downloading Gaia Sky and using it on Oculus headset - doesn't work, will try HTC Vive tomorrow.

  • Added self evaluation for Project 1.

3/1/22 - 4 hours

  • Gaia Sky VR exploration day - notes

  • Explored both Gaia Sky Desktop and VR on Graphics Lab + HTC Vive and Paperspace + Oculus Quest 2. Works on both (although super buggy and sometimes doesn't work on Oculus Quest 2)

  • Took pics for Google Earth course setup.

3/3/22 - 2.5 hours

  • Added to OpenSpace wiki with my info.

  • Started a wikipage for Gaia Sky.

3/5/22 - 2.5 hours

  • Continued with wiki for Gaia Sky - trying to figure out HTML to make organization better.

  • Finished Gaia Sky wiki.

3/7/22 - 4 hours

  • Started looking into Space Engine, another astrovisualization VR app very similar in goals to Gaia Sky and OpenSpace. The positions of things are typically very accurate, but as it more aims to be a consumer based experience, there's some artistic license taken with procedural generating the surface of planets + anything beyond the bounds of the data Space Engine uses.

  • Downloaded Space Engine and started exploring.

    • Tried to start with free version on PaperSpace.

      • Just-in-time debugging problems - spent some time troubleshooting this and inspecting the bug in VSCode, but couldn't find a fix.

3/9/22 - 2.5 hours

  • Started writing up Space Engine wiki + collecting media for wiki and presentation.

3/10/22 - 3 hours

  • Received OpenSpace executable - attempting to use on PaperSpace.

    • Doesn't show up on PaperSpace, works and is pretty high quality on Graphics Lab + HTC Vive but the screen is somewhat distorted.

    • Tried again on PaperSpace after restarting machine - actually works and runs pretty smoothly, but the window is off center and distorted, so that may have to do with the developer code.

3/11/22 - 2 hours

  • Write up in-class activity and synthesize Google Survey.

3/12/22 - 2 hours

  • Finish Space Engine wiki, collect some media and add it.

  • Start Astrovisualization VR wiki.

3/13/22 - 3 hours

  • Finish Astrovisualization VR wiki and add finishing touches to Gaia Sky and Space Engine wiki.

  • Make comparison chart between the three major softwares that I found.

  • Do Paul and Shashidar's preclass activites.

3/15/22 - 2 hours

  • Create presentation 1.

3/18 - 3 hours

  • 7 Scenarios paper reading + notes

    • Summarized each scenario.

3/20 - 2 hours

  • Researching new presentation ideas.

    • Possible focus more on collaboration, since I didn't get to it last project?

3/22 - 4 hours

  • Finalize presentation idea, plan, timeline.

  • Create presentation 1.

4/2/22 - 4 hours

  • Worked on finalizing project plan - some potential licensing issues, so also looked into different programs.

  • Downloaded ShapesXR, created account, started learning its capabilities.

4/3/22 - 3 hours

  • Kept working with Shapes XR and learning its capabilities.

  • Imported .obj file of tree to play around with in ShapesXR - has quite limited storage space, so nothing bigger could be imported.

4/4/22 - 1.5 hour

  • Did prep for Aakansha’s activity - downloading Nanome, UnityMol, PeppyVR.

  • Did prep for Nick’s activity - downloading CityEngine installer.

  • Did prep for Jennifer’s activity - downloading .apk file.

4/7/22 - 1.5 hours

  • Started wiki page for ShapesXR - general description, VR requirements, and importing model instructions.

4/10/22 - 1.5 hours

  • Read more about capabilities of The Wild software program.

  • Reached out to a representative of the company to get a free copy.

4/12/22 - 2.5 hours

  • Representatives for The Wild taking a while, so started looking into potential other softwares.

  • Signed up Sketchfab, however ultimately decided against looking further into it as it is primarily a web based program that doesn’t have super well integrated support for VR.

4/13/22 - 3 hours

  • Created project update slides for Project 2.

  • Kept researching more potential softwares - ultimately decided on Prospect, which is part of IrisVR.

  • Added some images, organized the SpaceEngine wikipedia page to prepare for wiki review.

4/17/22 - 4 hours

  • Signed up for new account with IrisVR to get a free trial of Prospect.

  • Downloaded Prospect onto PaperSpace machine.

  • Downloaded theobromine obj file to visualize in Prospect.

  • Started taking notes of capabilities, etc.

  • Reached out to a friend to start doing collaborative work.

4/20/22 - 4 hours

  • Set up friend’s Oculus account on another Oculus.

  • Downloaded ShapesXR on friends’ Oculus - explored collaborative possibilities.

  • Started the “Metrics” and “Collaborative Potential” part of ShapesXR wiki.

4/21/22 - 3 hours

  • Contacted Prospect for Oculus Quest friendly version of Prospect so that we could do collaborative work.

  • Downloaded Oculus Quest version on my Oculus and friend’s Oculus.

  • Explore collaborative Prospect features.

4/23/22 - 3.5 hours

  • Tried Guest / Leader capabilities of Prospect.

  • Started Prospect wikipedia - general description of app, VR requirements.

  • Asked friend for feedback; filled out “Metrics” and “Collaboration Evaluation” section of wiki.

4/25/22 - 3 hours

  • Downloaded Gravity Sketch on my Oculus and friend’s Oculus - even though there’s already a wiki page, it seems to be the most powerful and ubiquitous collaborative modeling software so it seems helpful to have some experience with it.

  • Played around with Gravity Sketch, took notes.

4/27/22 - 2 hours

  • Finalized Gravity Sketch notes into “Metrics” and “Collaboration Evaluation” section, added them to Paul Krupski’s Gravity Sketch wiki page.

4/28 - 3 hours

  • Downloaded Glue on my Oculus and friend’s Oculus, made accounts.

  • Took notes on collaboration and model editing capabilities

    • although the visualization part was very weak since the app is mainly focused on meeting space, had valuable insights on avatars and modes of communication in collaborative VR.

4/29 - 2.5 hours

  • Created Glue wiki, filled it out completely.

5/1/22 - 2.5 hours

  • Created in-class activity.

    • Decided to focus on ShapesXR - easiest setup, login, and set of tools.

    • Created in class activity wiki page.

    • Created Google Survey.

5/3/22 - 2.5 hours

  • Gathered notes from in class survey, used them to polish Shapes XR wiki.

  • Also used the insights from in class activity to ask my friend about ease of use for other softwares - added those to the software wiki pages.

5/5/22 - 1.5 hours

  • Made slides for project 2 presentation.

5/6/22 - 3.5 hours

  • Made poster for final project presentation.

  • Made flash talk, practiced it.

5/7/22 - 2.5 hours

  • Went through wiki pages, organized them, added links and images

5/11/22 - 2 hours

  • Worked on final poster.

    • typed up paragraphs I wanted to include

    • gathered images

5/18/22 - 5 hours

  • Finished final poster, printed it out.

  • Went through, finalized wiki pages, journal, flash talk slide, wiki links.