Jakobi Haskell's Journal

Hello reader! I'm Jakobi, a Computer Science student at Brown. I got interested in VR after visiting the traveling Immersive Van Gogh exhibit and seeing his paintings come to life in VR (I highly recommend this if they are still offering it!). This class is my first exploration of VR in-depth and also my first time doing data visualization. 

Outside of VR, I'm involved in the Blockchain at Brown Club. 

Going into this class I knew I wanted to explore web VR because it is the most accessible introduction to VR. Below you will find my web VR related projects, including:


Project 1 Proposal  - Link to Project 1 Proposal Doc

Project 1 ORIGINAL Plan - Link to Project 1 Original Plan Doc

Project 1 ONGOING Plan - Link to Project 1 Plan Doc

Presentation for Project 1 Proposal - Link to PowerPoint

Project 1 Update Slides - Link to PowerPoint

Project 1 Final Presentation Link to PowerPoint

Project 1 In-Class Activity - WebVR 1st Experience Tutorial 

Project 2 Proposal - Link to Project 2 Proposal

Project 2 Original Plan - Link to Project 2 Original Plan

Project 2 Proposal Presentation - Link to Presentation for Project 2

Project 2 In-Class Activity Page - Project 2 In-class activity 

Project 2 Update Presentation - Project 2 Update Presentation

Project 2 Final Presentation - Link to Project 2 Final Presentation

Flash Talk Presentation - Link to Flash Talk

Poster - Link to Poster

Public Demo - Link to Public Demo Page


Project 1:

CONTRIBUTION 1 [Wrote Tutorial on Setting up  A-Frame Hosted Static Webpage] Link to Tutorial

CONTRIBUTION 2 [General Page on WebVR] Link to Wiki WebVR page

CONTRIBUTION 3 [VR Live Test Website] Link to Client Repo, Link to Server Repo

CONTRIBUTION 4 [Tutorial on Setting up WebVR Collaboration] Link to Collaboration Tutorial

Project 2:

CONTRIBUTION 1 [Comparison of A-Frame Compatible Visualization Libraries] Link to Comparison 

CONTRIBUTION 2 [Software Evaluation of VR-Viz] Link to Evaluation 

CONTRIBUTION 3 [Datasets that work with VR-Viz] Link to Datasets

CONTRIBUTION 3 [Page on WebVR for Visualization] Link to WebVR Visualization Software 

CONTRIBUTION 4 [Added Miscellaneous, Logistics section to Project Ideas] Link to Project Ideas

CONTRIBUTION 5 [Overview of GeoJSON Data in Scientific Data Page] Link to Scientific Data

CONTRIBUTION 6 [Comparison of D3.js, VR-Viz, BabiaXR Page] Link to Comparison

CONTRIBUTION 7 [Repo for COVID Bar Charts Exploration Website] Link to Github Repo

CONTRIBUTION 8 [Small Repo for A-Frame Webpage with Portals to Classmate's In-class activities]  Link to Portal Github Repo

CONTRIBUTION 9 [Repo for Climate Change Exploration Website] Link to Climate Change Github Repo

HOURS Journal

Total: 159.35 Hours

1/27/21 - 2 Hours

1/29/21 - 1 Hours

1/30/21 - 1.5 Hours

1/31/22 - 0.7 Hours

2/1/22 - 2 Hours

2/2/22 - 2 Hours

2/3/22 - 1 Hour

Total: 10.2 

2/5/22 - 3.5 Hours

2/6/22 - 1.5 Hours

2/7/22 - 0.7 Hour

2/8/22 - 2.5 Hours

2/9/22 - 2 Hours

Total: 20.4

2/10/22 - 5 Hours

2/11/22 - 1.5 Hours

Tota: 26.9

2/13/22 - 3 Hours

Total: 29.9

2/14/22 - 3 Hours

Total: 32.9

2/15/22 - 1.7 Hours

2/16/22 - 1 Hour

Total: 35.6

2/17/22 - 1 Hour

2/18/22 - 2 Hour

2/19/22 - 1 Hour

2/20/22 - 2 Hours

2/21/22 - 2 Hours

2/22/22 - 4 Hours

Total: 47.6 Hours

2/23/22 - 2 Hours

2/24/22 - 1 Hour

2/25/22 - 2 Hours

2/26/22 - 1 Hour

2/26/22 - 3 Hours

2/27/22 - 2 Hours

Total: 58.6 Hours

2/28/22 - 5 Hours

Total: 63.6 Hours

3/2/22 - 1.5 Hours

3/4/22 - 1 Hour

3/6/22 - 1 Hour

Total: 66.1 Hours

3/8/22 - 3 Hours

3/9/22 - 2 Hours

3/13/22 - 2 Hours

Total: 73.1 Hours

3/14/22 - 0.5 Hour

3/15/22 - 0.5 Hour

3/18/22 - 1.5 Hours

Total: 75.6 hours

3/19/22 - 1 Hour

3/21/22 - 1.5 Hours

3/22/22 - 1 Hour

3/23/22 - 1 Hour

Total: 80.1 hours

4/04/22 - 2.5 Hours

4/05 - 1 Hour

4/06 - 2 hour

Total: 85.6 hours

4/07 - 2 Hour

4/08 - 1 Hour

4/11 - 2.5 Hours

Total: 91.1 Hours

4/13 - 0.5 Hours

4/14 - 4 hours

4/16 - 0.5 Hours

4/17 - 1 Hours

4/18 - 6 Hours

Total: 103.1 Hours

4/19 - 2 Hours

Total: 105.1 

4/20 - 1 Hour

4/23 - 3 Hours

4/24 - 2 Hours

4/25 - 5 Hours

Total: 116.1

4/26 - 6 Hours

Total: 122.1

4/27 - 0.25 Hour

Total: 122.35

5/2 - 3 Hours

5/3 - 2 Hours

Total: 127.35

5/4 - 1.5 Hours

Total: 128.85

5/5 - 2 Hours

5/6 - 2 Hours

5/7 - 3 Hours

Total: 135.35

5/8 - 2 Hours

5/9 - 3 Hours

5/11 - 2 Hours

Total: 142.35

5/12 - 2 Hours

5/17 - 5 Hours

5/18 - 8 Hours

5/19 - 2 Hours

Total: 159.35

Project Ideas - 2/08


Project Idea: Using 3D graph nodes to predict social media post popularity in a collaborative environment . 

Software: Three.js for 3D graphics for the web, which supports VR (with WebXR) and real-time collaboration. LGL (Large Graph Generation) for graph generation which can then be imported into three.js. 

Three things I will do: In-class search for specific tweet with partner, contribute to wiki page on webVR, explore backend multiplayer frameworks for web.

Class Activity: Exploration of twitter data as a network of graphs in 3D. Creating a room on the webstite, sending a link to partner, locating a specific tweet with partner and person who created room sends a screenshot of their partner pointing to the tweet, post-experience survey of collaborative web experience, ease of use. 

Potential Deliverables: Evaluation of 3D graph nodes visualization effectiveness in VR, in-depth wiki page on resources for webVR, tutorial on creating collaborative environment for webVR.

Software Evaluation Metrics: Ease of set-up rating, Effectiveness of visualization, level of collaboration (interactivity or just visuals?)

Project Idea: fMRI and EEG data for medical sleep studies

Research on how mental illness affects sleep patterns, could use VR for real-time analysis with annotations on brain patterns

Three things I will do: demo VR visualization with sleep researcher and with their existing dataset, install and evaluate ParaView and other software for fMRI visualization, record user feedback in survey from sleep research project. 

Potential Deliverables:Interview with medical researchers about their experience using VR, documentation of a survey or experment, contribution to analysis of existing medical VR software.

Software Evaluation Metrics: Ease of use for medical researchers who have never used VR before, Time in setting up software, Comparison of time used to write down observations necessary for sleep analysis with VR vs. time it takes with software that researchers currently use.

Project Idea: Mars/Space Mission/Exploration / Remote sensing Mars Data / less explored planets like Venus or Exoplanets

Software: Open Space, Photon and Unity for Collaboration

Three things I will do: Downloadable extension applicaiton on unity to explore Venus collaboratively, post survey with results of in-class activiy and its implications, download data from an exoplanet into Unity to see what its like to create new visualization.

Potential Deliverables: analysis of collaborative features of OpenSpace, additions to wiki page on VR for Space. 

Visualizing where missions went wrong, planning future missions, how effective is it vs plain 3D graphic simulation without VR

Google Earth Screenshots

From top to bottom, left to right:

My dorm (Andrews Hall) 

A place I used to look out from when I visited my uncle in the Bay Area: 

My house in Washington D.C.

My favorite trail from Running Club

Self-Evaluation of Journal

Activities logging rubric -- fill in in your journal

key for each criterion:

5 == exceeds expectations

4 == meets expectations

3 == mostly solid with some gaps

2 == shows some progress

1 == some attempt

0 == not found


Journal activities are explicitly and clearly related to course deliverables

3 - Tutorials that I have done are generally about webVR in general, could use some more data visualization specific stuff. could also spend more time reading through wiki

deliverables are described and attributed in wiki

1 - I hint at them but don’t link to them, or describe specifically which one I am working on

report states total amount of time

4 - usually up to date

total time is appropriate

4 - usually up to date

Self-Evaluation of Project Proposal

TODO: Self-Evaluation and compile written plan from slides. WHERE IS MY PROJECT PLAN?

Below are a set of questions that should help in evaluating project ideas. Answer each with one of:

The questions are:

o The proposed project clearly identifies deliverable additions to our VR Software Wiki

4 - Agree although I could be more specific in what I am adding, I guess for me I kind of have to see how the project progresses first, see what gaps need to be filled, and go from there.

o The proposed project involves collaboration in VR

5 - This is what my project will focus on. The methods for dealing with collaboration right now are very tedious and I plan to research easier ways.

o The proposed project involves large scientific data visualization along the lines of the "Scientific Data" wiki page and identifies the specific data type and software that it will use

5 - Twitter Network data is in the wiki page, the text and metadata surrounding it is a specific type. 

I plan to use A-Frame for visualization for now (and I will follow the tutorial), but might use Paraview later.

o The proposed project has a realistic schedule with explicit and measurable milestones at least each week and mostly every class

5 - I think its pretty realistic and I have backup plans if I don't get to what I want in time.

o The proposed project includes an in-class activity

4.5 - Could have a more detailed in-class acitivty, but do have one planned.

o The proposed project has resources available with sufficient documentation

3 -  Unfortunately there isnt a ton of documentation about using webVR collaboratively but that is partly why I am doing this project, to contribute to the gap that needs to be filled about this. 

9 Changes 

9 Changes I would make to the wiki

10 minutes:

1 hour:

10 hours:

Course Calendar

This is a calendar for the course that includes the time of classes, a description of what the plan is for that class (taken from the course timeline page), and a list of homework for the next class (also taken from course timeline). This makes it convenient to integrate the workload for this class for users of google and apple calendar.