YURT Software Evaluation

Software Comparison

Feature Evaluation Metrics:

  • Operating Systems Supported - list of operating systems supported

  • GUI - whether the software has a GUI

  • Scripting Language - whether the software has a scripting language; if so, list the scripting languages supported

  • Coding Required - whether programming is required to use the software

  • Volume Rendering (in YURT) - whether the software supports volume rendering in the YURT

  • Surface Rendering (in YURT) - whether the software supports surface rendering in the YURT

  • VR Support - whether the software supports VR by default (head tracking, stereo, object selection and manipulation)

  • Documentation - quality of documentation; one of three values: MINIMAL, MODERATE, EXTENSIVE

YURT Software Feature Comparison

Task Evaluation Metrics:

  • Installation Time (Per OS) - time required to install software for each operating system supported

  • YURT Installation Time - time required to install software on YURT

  • Learning Time - time required to complete benchmark task in YURT

  • Surface Rendering Time

YURT Software Task Comparison