Mozilla Hubs Activity


The Mozilla Hubs activity will allow the whole class to interact in a shared 3D environment and make annotations on the same 3D assets.


Mozilla Hubs runs in browser, so no explicit setup is necessary! Just make sure your headset is charged!


On Oculus Headset or Desktop Browser (either works!)

  1. Navigate to the Apps section in the Oculus Quest 2 menu

  2. Open the Browser

  3. Go to (a simple "mozilla hubs" search will work)

  4. This will bring you to the Hubs home page

  5. Sign in with any email address

  6. Navigate on the main page to the "have a room code?" button and click on it

  7. Enter the room code provided to the class (878574)

  8. You may be asked to start a WebXR experience (if on a headset). Select "Allow" on the bottom right of the screen

  9. You will be loaded into the virtual room!

  10. Try to interact with your classmates

  11. There will be a few 3D models in the back of the room

    1. Human Heart

    2. Human Brain

    3. 3D Scanned Ram skull

    4. Blue Whale Skeleton

    5. Curiosity Rover

    6. Tropical Catfish (Hypostomus)

    7. Human Skeleton

  12. Try to scale, rotate, and annotate on (draw using the pen tool) the models

  13. We will then collectively assess how usable the collaborative experience was with >10 users